• BatRayB@pricefield.org
    1 year ago

    Wow, these are incredible… love it!!

    “Tell us a story, Granny Max… pleeeease…”

    “You want a story? What kind of story should it be? A grand tale of adventure, of swashbuckling pirates, with stolen treasure and daring escapes? Full of risks, and rewards?”

    “You always tell those… tell us a story about ‘hope’…”

    “A story about hope?”

    “Yesss… you have a giant ‘HOPE’ written on the wall over there… we want to know why…”

    “Hmmmm… well… hope can be many things… hope is being able to see the light, even when the world is covered in darkness… hope never dies for those who truly love you… hope is the promise of a miracle right around the corner… I know all about hope… having that hope is how I met up with your Granny Chloe again… a dark and exciting tale it is…”

    “It all starts one morning in the hallway of my high-school… I had just put in my earbuds…”

    “What are ear-buddddsss… granny?”

    “You dummy… ear-buds are those things you clean your ears with…”

    “No its not… stop hitting me,…mooomy… William is hitting me again…”

    “Settle down kids… you want me to tell you the story or not?”

    “Sorry granny.”

    “Yes, sorry granny.”

    “Okay, so earbuds were these wonderful gadgets we used to put in our ears… its how we listened to music before implants… so, where was I …”

    “You were walking down a hallway…”

    “Oh right… yes… yes… I walked down the hallway, not realizing my life was about to change… that’s when I learned…”

    “Learned what, granny?”

    “That Life is Strange…”