An indie RPG bundle with 500+ games and supplements on with proceeds going to Florida charities, so far it’s raised 160k :trans-ferret:

Biggest standouts from looking at the first page:

Wanderhome - Pastoral fantasy game where you play as cute animal-folk wandering around and slowly dealing with their trauma rather than trying to solve every problem in every town they stop in. The art is whimsical as fuck, and it’s made to be GM-agnostic so you can play it either without or with a GM depending on what floats your boat

FIST - A light and easy to learn system where you make rogue paranormal mercenaries and do some crazy shit in the Cold War era. Inspired by METAL GEAR, A-Team, and Doom Patrol. Also in the bundle is MANDELBROT SET, a campaign kit for FIST

Gubat Banwa - Filipino folklore RPG inspired by tactical combat-focused games like Lancer, ICON, and D&D 4e. Uses the separate narrative/combat system concept like Lancer and has rad art

Maharlika RPG - Filipino folklore RPG but this time with giant fucking robots. Also inspired by Lancer and D&D 4e and also has rad art

Thirsty Sword Lesbians - A PbtA She-Ra inspired game where you play as angsty disaster lesbians and get into sword fights but end up kissing in some intergalactic war. Looks adaptable to almost any setting, as the playbooks/classes are based on different emotional conflicts