I spent 40 minutes looking for a specific image from a guy asking on reddit about why his fridge was overheating (due to a steam geyser) but I couldn’t find it
I thought they were called geothermal vents until right before posting so here's the alternate reality version of this meme
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lebron james reportedly also used triple thick walls on his fridge instead of double thick walls but I don’t have the energy to make another meme
Is the left picture from a game ?
Without recognising the picture, and having never played rimworld…
I’m going to guess the picture is from the game Rimworld.And I’m basing this on the context that this community is called “rimworld”
Are you some sort of detective?!
oh. my. god. You must tell me how you did it!
The game is called Rimworld(the name of this community) and it’s quite good if you like colony sims!
Thx a lot. Sorry, i’m lemmyginer.