I’ve thought about this. Have the “Agriculture was a trap!” people ever designed like a hunter gatherer Eden? Like not historical reenactment. We have tech be a human and use it. But like buy a few hundred acres and plant a shitload of fruit trees with modern fertilizer, use GPS to navigate it, live in a badass modern tent…
Not for me, but those people seriously seem to have the option right there
Monkey pays to live. He pays in the form of the daily labor of foraging, avoiding predators and finding shelter. It’s just not converted to the generalized form of money and then back to the basic needs of the monkey like we do it.
Labor is the basic unit of wealth. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
TBH if Orangutans knew they could pay to conserve their own habitat and buy more food then they’d probably be working jobs, too.
Right up until they tried to unionize, at which point they’d be exterminated to the last orange hair.
Itt: America = The world
AFAIK there aren’t any Orangutans in America, they’re mostly between Indonesia and Malaysia.