• DxK@lemmy.worldOP
    2 months ago

    Spare us the sanctimonious lecturing. I don’t give a single shit about the pearl clutching coming from conservatives after they spent the last two years thinking it was utterly hilarious that a lunatic with a hammer savagely attacked Paul Pelosi… Including Donald “look at my YUGE bandage” Trump. They can dish it out but they can’t take it, fuck this apologia nonsense. A comedian made a tasteless joke about Trump at a concert in Australia. Boo hoo.

    As far as I’m concerned the only one whose reputation has taken a hit here is JB. Immediately throwing Kyle Gass under the bus, cancelling their tour, and announcing “all creative plans are on hold” over that seems like a massive overreaction. I still think he’s an incredibly talented dude and he seems like an otherwise good person but it has made me think quite a bit less of him.

    Edit: And now this jackass is doubling down and insisting anyone that disagrees with their stupid point simply didn’t understand it. Blocked.

    • fishos@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      And in your worldview, it’ll just be a race to the bottom.

      JB did the right thing. Him and Kyle will be able to come back from this because of the actions of JB. After all, who is the heat on now? It’s not Kyle. He looks like a victim now. Jacks taking the heat. Heat he can easily handle. Heat that will fade away in the coming months and be forgotten.

      Instead of throwing a massive fight back and blowing the situation up even more out of proportion. Instead of now having to wonder if you’ve made yourself a target of insane Trumpers.

      This was masterful PR and it shows who knows actual PR and who has too much ego to take an L when needed. This pretty much guaranteed that JB AND Kyle are protected. Everyone took just enough dirt to look like they got punished but it’s not enough to actually end anyone.

      • neatchee@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Glad there’s at least one other person here who gets that this wasn’t a political decision but a PR one

        • 2xar@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Literally everybody here gets this. It’s in the fucking title of the post… And it is also exactly why everybody is hating on JB now and downvoting your comments. JB should have stood by his lifelong friend and creative partner, and care fuck all about the corporatist PR image after one bad joke. Especially because Kyle’s joke wasn’t a career endingly bad one. But JB made it out to be one. He has effectively killed KG’s career now, by blowing the thing way out of proportion, completely unnecessarily. All because he thought that HIS career was in danger too. That is why everybody is angry at him now. He has acted 100% selfishly.

          What he should have done, if anything, was to say sthing like, “Kyle made a mistake, it was a joke in bad taste. But I’ve known him forever, I know he’s a good man with a good heart. He will reflect on this and learn from it and do better in the future. An assassination attempt, and the death of an innocent bystander can never be a joke. We will dedicate the oncoming stages of the tour and all proceeds from it to the family of the victim. Blah blah blah”. That’s all JB had to do and say.

          Instead he threw KG totally under the bus, ended his career, and by making the morally wrong choice, probably damaged his own as well.

          • neatchee@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            I’m not going to retype my explanation of why this is a childish view of the situation. You can read my other comments in a different fork of this thread if you want to learn why this is self-righteous, self-satisfying crap. That’s what YOU want. It’s not what’s actually best for JB or Kyle.

            • SSJMarx@lemm.ee
              2 months ago

              Kyle Gass apologized himself the day after.

              What would have been best would be for them both to batten down the hatches and let it blow over, what JB did was needlessly escalate the situation. Even if his intentions are as you imagine them to be and the two are back on tour in a couple of months, but that can’t be taken as a given as you’re doing.