Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31
Chapter 32 l Chapter 33 l Chapter 34 l Chapter 35 l Chapter 36 l Chapter 37 l Chapter 38 l Chapter 39 l Chapter 40 l Chapter 41l Chapter 42l Chapter 43 Chapter 44


The ground around me was molten, but I staggered across it.

I didn’t see corpses or figures.

Only slightly unmelted patches of earth, where demonic forms once sat. Forms that sat long enough to soak up the energy I had put out.

I fell to my knees, feeling the heat of the surrounding landscape slowly sustain me.

I inhaled flames, and as I did, I felt myself slowly recovering my strength.

Still I fell forward, my hands landing on the molten earth. My form was so starved for fire, that the earth gave up every ounce of heat she had to fill me.

Like a dry sponge given a drop of water. The molten rock solidified, as if being drawn up by my body, returning to its previous state of solid stone, though charred.

My eyes looked upwards, above the smoke which now choked out the sky above me.

Air came back.

The heat of my fire was so much that the very air around me was burned away and now a rush of wind blasted me.

As it did, I could feel my body reignite.

Fuel for my eternal flame.

I trudged up out of the molten lava pit I had just formed. As I reached the cusp of the crater, I could see a fresh wall of demons approaching.

“I am… The Titan Of Fire… I burn Eternal!” I shouted to the oncoming demon horde.

I watched as spikes of earth ripped through them, sending some skyward. Others fell down the massive crevasses that were created to form the huge spikes of rock and earth.

Zithero’s voice chirped in my ear, “I can’t let you have all the fun! Though, I must admit, that was rather risky, Brother.”

I glanced at Zithero and behind us, “…How many left?”

Zithero’s face fell before he asked quietly, “Friend or Foe?”

“Friend,” I commented, looking out at the amassing forces as they climbed through the spiny forest of mighty stone pillars that Zithero had conjured, “I can see da foe. At least, a number o’ dem.”

“Forcas recalled everyone when you started your stunt… but…” Zithero sighed, “We’re but a handful now.”

“And three titans, one out of her element,” I growled, “And two stretched thin enough as is.”

Zithero turned to me and scoffed, “Speak for yourself!”

“Cockiness ain’t gonna do shite fer yah, iffin yah don’t have the power to back it’ up,” I spat.

I wasn’t a fool.

Zithero had had to conjure a mighty stone barrier to keep my Solar Flare from destroying our own forces. I can’t imagine what toll that took on him.

“I’m holding up fine, brother,” Zithero said, placing his staff firmly on the ground. As he did, I watched his fist turn to stone, cracks running through his fingers.

My eyes scanned back up to Zithero, “Dat so?”

Zithero’s smile faded and he replied in a somber tone, “…Can’t face the end with a sour attitude, brother.”

I took a measured breath and turned to the demons now only a few hundred metres from us.  “Tink dis time we’ll finally get some rest?”

“Rest?” Zithero asked as he readied his staff.

I nodded, “Our lines are dead. Our Mistress may yet live, but the only Alexandratta lineage lies in a little girl, barely older than a toddler. Less yer Grandma-ma hasn’t told us somethin’ of yer family,” I turned to him.

“Roma are good at hiding,” Zithero attempted to rationalise.

“Aye, yer lots the only ones left with the blood o’ Alexander the Great? I’d be shocked if a one of ‘em lived,” I glared at the army, “Dis is it, Zithero. Dis is the end. I only ‘ope we get to the Aegean Fields or set foot upon Elysium, what fer all the terrible ting’s we ‘ad to do… Wouldn’t blame a single angel or God who cast me downwards.”

Zithero’s hand was on my shoulder, “You aren’t responsible for what he made you do. The fact that you regret it at all, says the world of you, Brother.”

I sneered at Zithero, turning to face the end.

I would go down swinging.

I would fight until my last breath.

For as long as I had fire in my lungs, I’d make sure to put fear into their hearts.

For I may be a Titan of Fire. An immortal. A man who’s lived many lives.

But I will always and forever be the first thing I ever was.

I am a Spartan.

And a Spartan doesn’t surrender.

I let out a war-cry, my fists writhed in flames as I let fire cover me from head to toe. “Come at me, yah bloody bastards! I’ll send da whole lot o’ yah back to Hell, but not before makin’ it feel cold compared to me fury!”

I slammed my fists down upon the ground, sending a shockwave of fire and flames through them.

Some demons were hurled into the air from it, others managed to run right through as if it were nothing.

My flames were no longer hot enough to scald those who were fireborne.

Just as one massive goat-like beast was ready to hurl an axe through me, a huge spike of stone ripped from the ground and skewered it.

I turned to see Zithero’s staff in the ground, his free hand slowly crumbling to dirt. He turned to me, a pained smile on his face, “…To the end, Brother.”

“Aye… Tah the end,” I turned to see another wave coming, “Try tah hold yerself together a few more minutes, yah? I’d hate to see yah go first.”

“Same to you,” Zithero commented as he took his staff, holding it at the ready.

A horrific cacophony of screeches and cries echoed from the back line of the horde - how far away that was, I wasn’t sure.

As it echoed, however, those demons at the front paused, turning to see what the commotion was about.

A massive wall of white light was expanding across the entire horizon, towards us.

It reached from the earth to the highest point of the sky and my eyes went wide in shock.

“Wot the ‘ell is dat?!” I shouted, staggering back.

Zithero slipped down on his staff, panting, “The earth… it’s… something is happening.”

“Zith?!” I turned to him, watching his body turn to soil and begin to crumble. “Brotha!”

Zithero’s face smiled to me, “No… It’s… It’s good. It’s…” Zithero’s body fell to the ground, his face turning to dust, “Rebirth.”

I looked ahead, shocked as the wall of white ripped apart the demons it touched.

I closed my eyes and fell to my knees.

“If this is the end, then please let it be quick. Either let me feel nothing at all or at least give me justice…” I thought to myself as I felt the white-hot light crash into me.



Sara Baker

Like the agents of God would have helped me in any way.

I asked for one thing, Goddamn it.

To see Belial crucified or his soul ripped apart or at the very least deep fried in holy water.

I mean, come on! How the hell do you not smite a damn demon?! That’s your whole thing!

Well, it doesn’t matter.

Belial’s been tricky and ever since he ran off, I’ve been hunting him.

The majority of the big baddie demons are busy moving across Europe and causing mayhem and havoc.

I managed to discover that, state-side, things changed a whole lot.

The Amazon ladies have taken over, but on top of that, the one running things over here started some kind of ‘Amnesty’ program for Demons.

If you were human, sold your soul and became a demon, they’d off the guy who owns your soul if you had some kind of out.

Considering the demonic leadership turnover, it wasn’t a bad idea to be completely honest.

What got me, was that the bitch running the place had found out how to make ‘Thralls’ - which is just what happens when a human drinks demon blood. They end up becoming a “Temporary” demon that can be cleansed later.

Though I’ve yet to see anyone actually ‘Cleanse’ themselves, at least not since I was here.

Then again, why give up demonhood when the demons might just win anyway?

Though I don’t think anyone understands what it means to be under the thumb of a demon.

I clenched my fist as I walked through the desert air.

I had tracked Belial down to Vegas, which, to be fair, makes a lot of sense.

Of course it would be Vegas.

I landed at the edge of the dirt road leading to a small club.

Though it was small, I could feel the bass music from outside.

No windows, only one door. A bunch of high-end cars were parked out front of the building, on which a big neon sign hung that simply read “Compulsion”.

I cracked my neck and adjusted my wings.

One nice thing about all the demonic thralls who milled around, most folks didn’t bat an eye if you had wings and horns. The trenchcoat was just hiding my hooves.

I made my way to the door, where a big Amazonian bitch was guarding it.

I tried to just walk past her, but she placed a meaty hand on my shoulder.

“Hey hotness, cover charge,” She said with a grin behind a pair of reflective sunglasses.

I looked her up and down. Leather jacket, leather newsboy cap, thick denim jeans, leather boots, a pixie cut and pair of leather wrist guards with spikes on them.

There’s a term that used to be used for women like this when I was a kid, but it’s not in season anymore. Not even now.

“You’re so sweet,” I cooed, moving her hand.

The tall chick scoffed, “It’s a grand to get in, toots.”

“A fucking thousand dollars?!” I screamed.

The bouncer laughed, “This is VIP only. We don’t just let anyone in, you know.”

“I ain’t just anyone, bitch,” I glared at the bouncer, narrowing my eyes.

The bouncer grinned, “Tell you what, hotness…” she moved a bit of hair away from my face, “…I’ll let you in if you and I can have a lil’ play time on my break.”

The eye thing didn’t work, but I knew the kiss trick was pretty clear, “Show me what I’m working with.” I pointed to my pouty lips.

The bouncer grinned and leaned down to me, “No problem, hotness.” She puckered up.

I leaned forward and kissed her. I felt the mind control spell go off. I knew it, but something didn’t stick for some reason.

The bouncer leaned back, grinning, “Mmm… Hey, you know that might have worked on most girls.” She removed her cap, revealing a pair of tiny horns. Her eyes were yellow as well, “I’m a thrall, bitch.” She chuckled, “Succubus shit doesn’t work on me, to be clear. Kind of why I work the front. But hey… I will play with you still. You can get in and it’s all good.”

I narrowed my eyes on her, “I swear, is everyone a fucking half-demon?”

“Hey,” she scoffed, “I’m a vet, served against the fuckers. So don’t you go raggin’ on me. Besides, you’re a fuckin’ ‘Half-Demon’ too.”

I snapped my fingers, the trenchcoat vanishing.

I was done being covert, “You’re wrong there.”

“Oh! Fuck! How did-” she shouted before I threw a kick straight from the ground towards her face.

She managed to dodge it, barely. I should have listened more carefully, she was a fighter and an Amazon.

I had to uneven the odds quickly, so I pulled out my blade, going all out. Green flames all around the sword as it snapped into its whip form.

I thrust it up at her neck, watching the burning segments wrap around her throat as I pulled her down to my level.

I pushed her down to the ground, my hoof on her back and I pulled the chains tight, “Where is he?”

The bouncer grabbed at her throat, grunting, “I… I…”

“Tell me where your fuckin’ boss is!” I growled, pulling the chains tighter.

The bouncer gasped for air, “He… He’s inside… Penthouse…” she gasped.

I let the chains around her neck go, looking at the burn marks as they slowly healed.

“You’re not getting in there,” the bouncer winced as she rubbed her neck, “I’m not the biggest thrall inside…”

I kicked the back of her head hard with my hoof, bouncing her face off the desert floor. A smack of blood followed by a grunt from her and she was out.

Still breathing though.

“Good,” I said as I rested the sword on my shoulder, “It’s been really fucking boring lately…” I grabbed the end of my blade, snapping it back into a whip and igniting it, “I’ve got some steam to blow off.”

I moved to the door and kicked it in.

The door flew off its handles and crashed into the club.

Maybe, just maybe, I overdid it.

I walked in, the music still pulsing as a multitude of patrons looked at me funny.

I scanned the room, a good amount were human, most of them were thralls. I could even sniff out the odd demon or two.

I cleared my throat and grabbed a speaker, using an old demon trick involving magic and modern electronics. The music crackled and popped, muting as I spoke over the entire sound system.

Belial!” I roared, “Show yourself!”

No one moved for a moment. After some confused glances, I tried again.

If one of you doesn’t start spilling the beans as to where your boss is, I’m going to start pulling pieces off of each and every one of you until you beg me to stop,” I narrowed my eyes, “And then, if you’re lucky… I’ll kill you.”

The crowd seemed a bit more hostile, but plenty of folks ran for cover inside.

I looked up, over the stage where a number of girls had been dancing in various states of undress.

He was dressed differently, wore heavy glasses and his wings were hidden, but I knew those yellow eyes anywhere.

His hands gripped the bannister of the balcony overhanging the stage, and he grinned at me, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Sara Baker,” He chuckled, “What’s the plan this time, going to put me in Timeout again?”

I pointed my sword at him, “I’m just gonna kill you this time.”

Belial chuckled, clapping his hands a few times before he clapped once more, his smile fading, “Kill Her, Now. Or I will kill you all.”

Great, now I was going to have to kick some ass.

I grinned, two thralls bum-rushing me, both about the same size as the big bitch outside.

I ducked down and knocked one off her feet, then jumped back to my hooves, knocking the other big bitch over with my horns, sending her to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

I cracked my neck again, bouncing on my hooves as I pulled out my whip blade, “Just to give all you bitches the 411 on me,” I smiled, green flames igniting around my sword, “I’m the right hand of the former Lord of Wrath,” I pointed to Belial, “And I only want him, so if you don’t wanna die, feel free to leave.”

Some of the thralls ran off, but more of the full blooded demons came at me.

One was hiding his form under a heavy coat like I was, his heavy hooves smashed on the floor as he stampeded towards me. The burning red eyes set in his bull-like face burned as his cowl came down, showing his long black horns. He towered over me, almost three times my size.

As he reared back and hefted his massive club, which had to be the same size as me, I didn’t move an inch.

With a loud bellow the bull-demon swung and I slipped out of the way at the last second.

Before he could pick it up for another swing, I snapped my whip into a short sword and jabbed the blade three times into his neck.

The bull-demon grabbed at his gushing wounds, stumbling backwards as I sliced him from his stomach up to his chest, spilling his guts to the floor.

I turned as a claw swung through the air towards me. I blocked it with the blade and I couldn’t help but laugh as I saw the disfigured greasy painted face that looked similar to a clown’s.

The malformed horns on his head were another dead giveaway as his green eyes burned at me.

“Ubiel? The fuck! You couldn’t even be bothered to fight on the front lines? You fuckin’ pussy!” I laughed.

Ubiel roared, grabbing my hand and tossing me into the air.

I spread my wings, landing behind the bar.

A bartender, a young man in his twenties, was hiding under it, looking up at me in horror.

I glanced down at him and then reached towards him, spotting an unopened bottle.

The bartender flinched as I reached past him, only looking up at my hand as I grabbed a bottle of Jameson, black label, and took a heavy swig of it.

I looked him over, “Get the fuck outta here,” I ordered before I jumped up on the bartop, “So, you workin’ for Belial now? What? Asmodai gets transubstantiated and you can’t even be bothered to stick with the same crew?”

Ubiel roared, “Whore! You failed all of us and for what? Your Master’s even turned against us,” he grinned, “But, if I give you to Lord Belial… I’ll finally be in a Fallen’s favor.”

“First time for everything, I guess,” I shrugged as Ubiel charged towards me.

I tossed the whisky at his face, the bottle smashing against his horns as he roared in pain.

I grabbed one of his horns and smashed his head into the bar, shattering the bartop as the giant demon tumbled to the ground.

Another thrall rushed at me from behind. I had to round-house kick that one, my hoof connecting with her face hard enough to send her spinning to the floor.

The bull-demon was back on his feet, his guts in his hands, holding them together.

I shook my head and jumped onto a bar table, leaping over the bull demon and slicing his head from his shoulders.

The beast tumbled to the ground, finally dead.

I wasn’t trying to kill the thralls, they were people who had made bad decisions. But the demons? Fuck ‘em. Yeah, some might be like me, but they were fighting for Belial, which told me all I had to know about them.

Ubiel pulled his head out of the bartop, roaring, “Angel Sympathizing Whore!”

I turned to Ubiel, narrowing my eyes on him, “Watch it buddy, my son’s an angel,” I grinned, “And he kicked your ass when he was still mortal, so don’t you go thinking I won’t have any trouble putting you down.”

Ubiel roared and charged at me, “If you could put me down so easily, then you’d have done so already!” Ubiel roared, slamming his fist down on the table I stood on.

I flew up to the ceiling, my hooves connecting to it as I looked down at Ubiel.

Ubiel grinned at me, “When I’m done with you, I’m going to find your grandson… and I’m going to finish-”

I had jumped down and thrust my blade into Ubiel’s forehead.

Ubiel’s mouth went slack for a moment, his eyes wide in terror as he looked at me.

I could feel the fire burning in my eyes, “I was fucking with you because of what you did to my family…” I twisted the blade in his skull, the flames intensifying as my fire wrapped around Ubiel’s body, his flesh burning as he screamed. “But that’s the line, buddy.”

I pulled my blade from Ubiel’s body as it turned to ash and looked around the room, eyes narrowing at the few remaining.

No one wanted to make the first move, so I thrust my blade out, grabbing the biggest thrall in the group.

My blade transformed into its whip form, wrapped around her neck and I pulled her towards me.

I kicked up, my hoof cracking the thrall’s jaw, and brought my hoof crashing down on her shoulder, shattering her shoulder blade and sending her to the floor in a heap.

I pulled my blade up, looking around, “…Anyone else?”

The remaining thralls ran away.

Belial was up on his balcony watching but now he turned and walked away from the glass.

I roared, “Oh, no you don’t!” I jumped into the air, smashing through the glass.

Belial stood at a large bar, a pair of girls cowering in the corner.

I glared at them, both were still human, “Get the fuck out of here before he fucks your after-life up like mine.” I cracked my whip.

The girls got up and scurried off, their heels clicking as they rushed to the door.

Belial was casually making a drink.

I rushed him, thrusting my whip blade at him.

In a flash, Belial’s fist was wrapped around my burning blade, the flames doing nothing to his flesh as I tried to pull it. “You know Sara, I have to give you credit,” He threw the blade to his left, ripping it from my hand as it clattered to the floor. “I got cocky. It’s true,” he sighed, turning around with a whiskey of some kind. He took a long sip.

I screamed and charged him, my hands opened so my sharp nails were ready to tear his face off.

Belial ducked, tripping me into the bar.

I tumbled forward, smashing into the glasses and bottles on the other side. I clenched my fists, my teeth grinding in rage.

“I underestimated you before and you capitalized flawlessly on it. So, kudos to you, dear,” Belial said with a mocking grin as he finished his whiskey.

I pulled myself up from the bar and thrust my hand out to my whip-sword, calling it to me.

Just as it flew to my hand, I turned to see Belial’s large black wings spread wide.

“I will not underestimate you again, Sara Baker,” Belial said with a sneer as he thrust his wings forward.

A sulfury wind hit me, and while I managed to weather the force, the building itself did not.

The bar bottles that I hadn’t broken burst into flames and shattered, glass blasting all around me as the mirror cracked.

Soon, the whole wall behind me was blasted out and once the floor gave way, I went sailing out of the building with it.

I tried to get my hooves under me, only to hit the ground too fast and tumble backwards onto the hard desert ground behind the bar.

I coughed as the dust flew into my eyes and mouth, managing to see Belial falling towards me.

I rolled to the side as Belial’s wings slashed into the ground.

I pulled my sword back into a sword, staggering back. He would have skewered me if I hadn’t noticed him.

“Imagine… Under his tutelage, even a whore like you can go toe-to-toe with a former Avatar of Sin,” Belial turned to me with a wicked grin, his yellow eyes glinting, “Forcas is truly amazing.”

I glared at Belial, “Shut up!” I screamed, charging him.

Belial pulled one wing up from the ground, thrusting his opposite wing at me from under it. His hands were in his pockets.

I rolled over his first wing, landing behind him and swinging at his ankles.

Belial jumped, or rather lifted his legs up, his whole body barely moving as he seemed to float in the air.

I felt it coming long before I saw it. His foot whipped out and cracked my jaw, sending me tumbling through to the desert floor once more.

My world spun and pain wracked my brain as I tried to get my bearings, the sound of his footsteps the only thing keeping me aware.

“You know, I ought to thank you, Sara Baker.” Belial mocked, “You gave me time to think in the Guardian Temple prison… about how I’d rather live in Hell for all eternity than ever rot in that pathetic cell again.”

I spit blood from my mouth as I clenched my jaw, feeling it snap painfully into place.

“You cannot tell me you want to live like that, can you?” Belial asked, stopping before me, his black wings looming over me in the setting sunlight.

I slowly got to my hooves.

“I have an empire to rebuild. Should Xyphiel win or lose we don’t need to go anywhere,” Belial explained, “You were so much more than a simple succubus, Sara. I never should have sold you to Asmodai, I see that now.” Belial shook his head, “You really were my best work.”

I growled, “I am not yours!”

Belial chuckled, “I made you. I took you from a sad, poor, lonely, dying little girl and made you into a beautiful, and admittedly, powerful demon.”

I readied my sword, keeping my eyes on him for an opening.

“Even now you’re resisting and fighting when it just doesn’t make sense,” Belial smiled deviously, “Why? For the God who abandoned you? For Asmodai because he loved you? Or did you make some new friends in the Guardian Temple?”

I glared, rushing him again.

Belial dodged my attack, tripping me and slamming his fist down hard on my back.

I felt a crack and my legs went out from under me. I fell flat in the dust.

Belial chuckled, then let out a long and taunting laugh, “No, no… I know what it is, Sara.” His foot pressed against my spine, I felt it snapping but couldn’t feel anything below my waist, “A name comes to mind… Oh yes! Jason.”

I gritted my teeth, grunting as I tried to push myself up.

“He’s your boy, isn’t he? It’s little Jason, the Avatar of Michael, isn’t he? If you were to come with me, I’d see to it that the boy lives,” Belial paused, “Assuming he isn’t already dead, of course. Soldiers of God do, of course, die. They are proud of it most of the time to boot,” Belial chuckled low, “Such a waste…”

I clenched the sand in my fist, squeezing my eyes tightly shut.

“Much like it would be a waste to just send you back to Hell,” Belial sighed, “Because of course, that is where you’d be going. Your time alongside the forces of God isn’t enough to make up for those you murdered while you were on the mortal plane. You and I both know that.”

I tried to muster my anger and rage, but I couldn’t. He had a point and it sucked.

I killed a lot of mortals. The police girl who first took me into the fire, the fishermen I used to get to Europe, hell even that poor bastard at the airport.

Not to mention the three idiots that made up my armor. I was the demon who tormented them until they had nothing left and were nothing but soul cores.

I gritted my teeth, “…Yeah. Well, I wanted to bring you down so I was the last one you ever did this to.”

“How nobel,” Belial chuckled, taking his foot off my back, “But, that’s not the real reason.”

I felt my spine starting to heal, now that Belial wasn’t holding the broken bones apart with his foot. I laid there still, wondering what he was going to expect me to do.

“You just want revenge,” Belial chuckled, “You should have paid favor to Arioch,” Belial laughed a bit harder, “Assuming he wasn’t destroyed, of course!” Belial acted like he had just told the funniest joke.

I kicked myself up to my hooves, turning and swinging my blade at Belial.

In a flash, his hand was on my throat with the other on my wrist. “Such an arrogant girl…” Belial’s eyes looked me up and down, “…Sara, don’t waste yourself. Come back to me, I’ll do far better by you than I did before. I know your true value now.”

I gasped, choking, trying to move my hand, but Belial was still too strong.

I guess I had just gotten the jump on him when I saw him last or he was weakened from fighting Xyphiel.

I swallowed hard, dropping my sword, “Never!” I kicked my blade before it hit the ground, the edge piercing Belial’s crotch.

Belial roared in pain and released me, ripping the sword from his crotch as he hunched over, cursing, “You whore!! How dare you!?”

I gasped, catching my breath before Belial was back over me, his foot pushing me to the ground, his eyes full of hate.

I spit on his foot, “Fucking end it already!” I snapped.

“No,” Belial hissed in hatred, kneeling down over me, his knees pressing painfully into my thighs as his hands pushed my shoulders down, “That would be too easy for you, Sara…”

My eyes widened.

Belial’s smile turned truly wicked as he descended down over me, “You were unwilling, but forced to comply when I owned your soul. Now? You’re just unwilling,” Belial’s eyes flashed in a sick sense of glee, “But now, Sara… Now, I’ll get to truly enjoy you. And I do hope Asmodai finds out,” Belial chuckled as my armor started to fall away.

I struggled, trying to free myself from under Belial before I saw a flash in Belial’s eyes. Belial’s grin vanished as he looked up, surprise on his face.

I tilted my head back to see a massive wave of light rushing towards us. My eyes widened in shock.

“…Well, as much as I’d like to finish this, I have a favor to call in,” Belial shot to his feet, reaching into his feathers and dropping something on the ground. A series of strange runes formed on the ground before he glanced over his shoulder, “Your last chance Sara,” he offered his hand to me, “Come with me, be by my side and we can rebuild after everything is destroyed… or be obliterated with the rest of the world.”

I pulled my armor on, glaring, “I’d rather not exist than ever see you again!”

“Suit yourself,” Belial said before he sank into the ground.

I screamed, grabbing my blade and stabbing at the ground in a blind rage, the runes having vanished. “Coward! Come back here and face me!” I felt the wind at my back and turned to see a wall of light from the ground reaching high into the sky rushing towards me like a tidal wave.

My jaw quivered and I swallowed hard as I let my blade slip from my hand. I felt hot tears running down my cheeks.

“…I’m really sorry,” I whispered, not sure who to, “I just… I didn’t want to die young. Can you blame me?” I sniffled as the wall grew closer.

My stomach dropped as it rushed closer and closer.

“I… I just wanted…” I swallowed hard, “I just wanted a life worth living, okay? I’m… I’m so sorry…” I whispered before I felt an intense heat strike me.

It didn’t hurt, for once.

It just felt like I was dissolving, vanishing.

The last thoughts to run through my head were, ‘Maybe this was for the best. I’m so tired. I just want it all to stop.’

That was the last thing I recalled as the wall finally struck me.