• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I figured that she noticed him visually, a shadow was cast or she saw movement. Anon also said that she heard her mom “for the first time” when she got the implant.

    Taking all this into account, while the greentext seems to have avoided the first label of homosexuality, the verity of the story nevertheless has to be put into question.

  • Yeah, the texture is not the best, but I found that cooking oats in water and adding frozen berries makes it really good taste-wise. And a colleague told me that adding milk to oats cooked in water is almost the same as cooking them in milk.

    But man, adding semolina to your oats and cooking them with milk makes suuuuch a good breakfast because the semolina provides a tasty dense medium in which the oats are suspended.

  • And that “no poop challenge” that was everywhere on lemmy about a year ago. Not sure whether that was a lemmy thing or wider, as I don’t use anything besides lemmy.

    I’m glad a local culture is growing here naturally, but I didn’t expect it to be beans, jeans and no poop

  • Thanks for mentioning Photon! I just tried it and it has a much better look and feel than the default lemmy UI. Though I noticed that I cannot collapse comment chains (or don’t know how to), and on one occasion when someone posted a huge format video in the comments, the video was rendered over the comments below it, which didn’t happen in the default UI. But other than that, it’s great!
    All in all I wouldn’t mind if this were the default frontend, I’ll probably keep using it myself.

  • I know how you feel. I often find myself typing :w into notepad/word at work to save something. Or when I log into a machine that doesn’t have the vim extension in vscode I constantly type /something to search, only to realize that I actually wrote that in the file. Then using ‘u’ to undo just adds more characters and people look at me like I’m on some drugs. Just embrace it!


  • Exactly my experience. I often heard stories of vegans being like that, but I never ever saw it so I thought it was just made up to belittle vegans.

    Then I joined lemmy and found out that I’m apparently in favour of massacres, slavery and rape because I consume meat/milk/eggs from time to time.

    I imagine the vast majority of vegans just go about their lives and resprectfully discuss the ethics of animal consumption when the topic comes up, but these loud militant members really make vegans look bad and they sure as hell make it so that even less people consider going vegan

  • I remember seeing to mod in the post commenting on someone’s mention of North Korea. First he posted an image detailing the deaths caused by the US and South Korea during the Korean war, and that was it, no mention about NK specifically. Later he said that there was no proof that NK is brutally repressing its citizens. Then when someone said how everyone who fled NK said so, he said how they only do it for the shock value to get stories out and make money out of that, or something like that.

    Basically people like that find anything anti-US as good, and if you say anything bad about those countries, they’ll ask for proof and then call whatever you provide fake.

  • English and my native Serbian.

    Ich habe Deutsch in der Schule gelernt. Ich benutze es sehr seltsam, aber ich habe fast nichts vergessen, weil unsere Lehrerinen sehr sehr Böse war. Deutsch in der Schule hat meine Leben 10 jahren verkurtzt.

    Έχω μάθει και τα Ελληνικά. Ένα από τα όνειρά μου είναι να διαβάζω τα κείμενα στα αρχαία ελληνικά, αλλά αυτό ήταν τρόπο δύσκολο. Γιατί αποφάσισε να μαθαίνω πρότω τα νέα Ελληνικα, καί σύντομα τα αρχαία είναι πολύ πιό εύκολα.

    I can understand a fair amount of Russian, but I can’t necessarilly speak it as well.