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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • This judge, I imagine: “I hereby decree, with the power I’ve vested in myself, that no poor shall be allowed financial relief of any kind whatsoever, now or any time in the future, whether or not that relief is warranted or legally mandated. Furthermore, I hereby decree, that any relief initially intended for a poor shall instead be transferred to the coffers of one or more of the lobbied corporate entities listed in the appendix of this ruling. This apolitical and logic-based ruling cannot be challenged by anyone with a net worth less than $1 billion. See appendix for relevant appellate account transfer and verification details. Use coupon code BOOTSTRAPS24 for a 5% discount.”

  • I finally got around to restarting God of War. I played the first few hours on PS4 a while back, and was overwhelmed, felt like it threw too much at me all at once, and I couldn’t be bothered to learn all the combat and mechanics. I got it for PC and started fresh, took it slow and used exploration to learn all I could, and shit, now I get it, this game is a masterpiece. It looks gorgeous in 4K, and the combat is loads of fun. And quite possibly my favorite thing is getting to hear Teal’c again (I freaking love Christopher Judge).

    Now I just need to play something mindless to fill the next few weeks before Ragnarok releases on PC.

  • I struggled to get through the first season, and right when I started to think I might like one or two characters, they recast them. It didn’t keep my interest, and I probably won’t watch any more of it. I’m not one to give up on shows like this, I usually power through them and find something to like. But I have no interest in GRRM’s world anymore.

    I’m someone who read ASOIAF voraciously as they came out, went to one of GRRM’s lectures, met and chatted with him while he signed my book, and just generally was in love with his world-building. I’m done now. No more disappointment for me.

  • Totally fine, politicians change their views. The more concerning thing for me was this:

    The Democratic nominee also revealed that she would name a Republican to serve in her Cabinet if elected

    Why?!? The people give the president power by voting them into office, the president wields that power on our behalf. Now would not be the time to share our power with the party that doesn’t believe in democracy. I can’t think of any good reason to voluntarily give a cabinet post to the other side, bipartisanship is not the point here.

  • Study after study has shown that having a gun in the home was linked with nearly three times higher odds that someone would be killed at home by a family member or intimate acquaintance.

    more permissive gun laws are making people less safe. In the states with the weakest gun laws, gun deaths rose 46 percent from 2012 to 2020, compared with just a 7 percent increase in the states with the strongest gun laws over that same period. Source

  • So there’s no room at all for personal preference? I’m afraid of big scary mean dogs, yes, but not all dogs. And the dogs that I’ve interacted with over the last three decades have actually liked me quite a bit, but I haven’t liked them. So your assumption, in my case, is flat wrong.

    Some people like things that others don’t, others don’t like things that some people do. That’s a part of being a person in a society with other people.

    Honestly, it’s attitudes like this that are a big part of why I don’t like dogs. Many dog owners think they have the right to impose themselves and their dogs on everyone without a second thought because they assume there’s no way anyone in the world wouldn’t love their precious little dog. They think people who don’t like a specific furry little animal somehow throw up red flags and shouldn’t be trusted. Well that’s just wrong, insulting, and frankly demonstrates a lack of empathy that is alarming.

  • That’s not what this is about.

    Here’s the relevant section of the article that explains why a federal judge ruled that he was unlawfully detained:

    In 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and while serving a sentence at Otisville Federal Correctional Institution, Michael Cohen was granted a release to home confinement. (Cohen was serving a three-year sentence after pleading guilty to crimes that included campaign finance violations on behalf of Trump.) Then Cohen announced his intention to publish a book about then-President Donald Trump. The result: Cohen was presented by prison officials with a document that conditioned his release on his agreement not to publish the book (and not to speak publicly otherwise about his experiences with and his opinions of the president). After Cohen and his attorney raised questions about this nondisclosure agreement, Cohen’s release was revoked. He was then returned to federal prison and placed in solitary confinement for more than two weeks.