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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2024


  • Well, Biden is a smart person, an intellectual, and he has experience in political positions. He is too far away from being new in politics to understand how important optics are. He doesn’t understand that the electorate is so fucking stupid that it doesn’t matter how good he is on policy. It doesn’t matter how good he was keeping his opponents eyes him check. It doesn’t matter how well he answered the questions, all that people are going to see Was him with a cold dealing with a stutter, stumbling over his words and taking 15 second pauses to catch his train of thought. We’re fucked. We are totally fucked. This Debate was not for the people still making up their mind (

  • You are completely right, I just think that if it was BLM storming the capital way more than one person would have been shot.

    Only 14 people were taken into custody on the day of the j6 insurrection, and only one person was shot.

    They were already using rubber bullets, they very well could have escalated in kind with live ammunition, we are talking about government officials here, not retail store windows.

    I understand that there is nuance to this situation, but I just had a visceral reaction to seeing this group get the kids gloves treatment after months of seeing the standard police response to protests that they didn’t agree with.