• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I feel like listening to your gut is a big component of this. There have been times when I notice that the way someone talks bothers me for a reason I can’t put my finger on and I decide to give them the benefit of the doubt, assuming I’m being shallow or unreasonable, but then a few months or even years later their behavior lines up with my initial discomfort and I realize I had spotted something being off from the start. Sometimes it’s better to listen to the general feeling you’re getting from the less verbal and analytical parts of yourself than to wait until you have a real explanation.

    Of course, there may be people who are just anxious or a little eccentric and that’s what you’re spotting, but usually it’s worth at least sniffing it out from a distance rather than fully ignoring those feelings until you can articulate the reason for them.

  • This is the problem with spending millions of dollars on games and focusing on profitability over actual quality or expression. Video games are fundamentally an art medium. You can choose to make some uninspired cash grabbing trash, and can even make a whole company built around that and make profit. But are you going to make a great game that way? Probably not.

    You’d be better off with half a dozen people with passion and a comparatively minuscule budget. You might have to scale back from ultra realistic graphics and massive explorable areas with dozens of voice actors, but I don’t really think that makes games any better anyway. A little 2d rpg with really basic pixel graphics can put a big project to shame if it’s made with passion and emotion.

  • I kinda like it. It’s better for some shows than others, but like, look at Curb Your Enthusiasm. It would pop up every now and then, only to fade back into the aether for a few years, then come around again. It never felt forced, or like it wasn’t within its own continuity when it came back. Some time just passed, and that was alright. I feel the same way about Red Dwarf. It comes, it goes, it comes back again. We love it.

    You can’t force it. It’s one thing if delays are because of studios or rights holders blocking creators from getting their work out, but if it’s part of the natural process? The process is the product, and sometimes good work needs time to percolate, or ferment, or whatever metaphor you want.

    Don’t try!

  • It seems like a pretty good survival strategy for a species to routinely produce a number of different sorts of constituent organisms in order to have the tools ready to be more adaptable to varying circumstances. Considering how much humans specialize their routine behaviors and the way in which we work together both consciously and through larger interconnected systems, it isn’t surprising to see a variety of strategies to process information, make decisions, and communicate with one another. Thinking outside the status quo creates opportunities that can independently either succeed or fail of their own applicability and ability to be executed. If everyone is looking for the same things, they’re likely to miss a lot. Even if many of those arrangements don’t produce the desired result, they can be a valuable exploration for new resources and strategies.

    It seems an extremely dire mistake in these circumstances to label one particular mode of thought the ideal and reject all contradiction as dysfunctional or useless.

  • Stopping or stalling development in the second or third tanner stage isn’t uncommon. There’s woefully little study of how different medication combinations affect our bodies, but Powers suggests progesterone (p2) when attempting to continue breast development if you’ve stalled. But you’re doing that.

    It may make sense to ramp up estrogen to a method with more bioavailability. I don’t know what the bioavailability of patches is, but I know that sublingual is more effective than oral, and that intramuscular estradiol valerate has the highest bioavailability. I jumped straight to injections, but I’d probably ramp up from a lower dose and availability if i were starting again, to mimic typical puberty.

    We have informed consent in Massachusetts, so we have a lot of options if you find a cooperative doctor.

    I also use bicalutamide to reduce testosterone rather than more common AAs, because it isn’t a diuretic.

    Obviously you’d have to talk to your doctor, but that’s some of what I gathered in the course of my own transition.

  • I literally mean political manipulation. Fully bad faith attempts to derail the Democratic party via arguments that the person in question doesn’t actually believe. Again, this may not be that, but I think it’s a mistake to pretend that Beehaw is somehow immune to this technique that the right is demonstrably using on other platforms.

    We are in a notably leftist, anti-establishment, anti-authoritarian space with users who clearly speak their minds and bring the conversations had here into bigger spaces. It is ripe for being targeted by bad actors.

  • Okay, so if we take it as a given that Trump’s supporters are largely, even mostly racists, how does that allow us to ‘start moving forward’?

    I’m honestly less and less sure that pointing fingers, even for good reason, is politically useful at all. To those who are already convinced, it seems heroic, sure. But for those who aren’t? All it does is put them on the defensive and entrench their position.

    I’m not saying we shouldn’t call out racism when we see it, because we should. The left needs to call out injustice, because the right isn’t about to do it. But like, that can’t be the entirety of our political strategy. It doesn’t work. It makes us look preachy and more importantly it puts the impetus for us getting our goals accomplished on racists.

    When we’re focusing all our political energy on decrying the wrongness of the right, our visible political identity becomes just that: criticism. That’s not what wins elections. If anything, it signals to the racists on the right that this is a rallying point for them, and it gives them the opportunity to turn to others who tend to lean Republican and say, “See what monsters they think you are? We know what you’re really like.”

    If we want to win the election, we need positive energy. We need to motivate our own base, and we need to give people on the fringes of our ideologies something that draws them in rather than something that makes them feel defensive. That doesn’t mean we can’t also call out injustice, but we have to do it with empowering language, not with language that shifts power to those we see as an obstacle.

    This is why the Obama campaign’s “Yes We Can” slogan was so effective. It allowed Obama to have a platform for addressing the obstacles he wanted to direct attention at, but it did it in a way that highlighted Democratic agency rather than simply saying “this is wrong”. Each time one of these problems was touched on, he could again touch back on the positive energy of “Yes We Can” and it energized crowds and voters rather than making them feel bored and doomed.

    “Or We’re Fucked” isn’t a very good campaign slogan, as we’ve seen with Biden. Harris has a chance to move away from that, and seems to be doing so. You can already feel the power shifting, because her campaign uses her personal confidence and magnetism to show voters that she can handle it. Yes, we have problems, but they’re not going to crack her armor and make her stop expressing joy. Yes, the right is sinister, but we don’t have to obsess over it. We can call them weird and move on with our actual work, while building confidence that we have the ability to get it done.

    Dress for the job that you want.

    If you want to get something done, you’re a lot better off if you know that you can do it. We need to know that the injustices of the right are just some ill-tempered old fogies spouting off about a time that’s passed as they slowly fade away. We need to know that their weirdness is ultimately going to lose.

    Their threat is real, to be sure, but if we focus on the threat and give it power, we give ourselves nothing. We need to build that power inward, and for that we need energy that focuses on our own confidence in our ability to get things done.

    Harris and Walz seem to know this, which is a great sign. Once they’re in, we can put their feet to the fire on taking care of this stuff, but just pointing at the Republicans and identifying the reasons they’re a large ideologically motivated threat just makes the optics seem more and more hopeless for us and more and more like the wild thrashing of a dying prey animal to the right.

    If we focus on our goals regardless of any crazy bullshit they run up their flagpoles, we get to pick the focus. If we let ourselves be led about with patter and distracting hand-waving, we may well miss the plot.

    Are a lot of Republicans racist? Obviously. Is laser focusing on it to the point of in-fighting going to give us the ability to render their racism irrelevant to public policy? I’m skeptical.

  • I kinda loved Miracle Girls when I was a teenager. In retrospect, I think it was mostly because identifying with the characters gave me gender euphoria. I don’t remember a ton about the details, but it was fun and sort of slice-of-life wholesome. That was in the early 00s so there may be some shockingly outdated stuff in there that I just glossed over and don’t remember, but I feel like that’s probably just my reluctance to recommend anything 30 years old uncritically!