Hey guys, what are your thoughts on the existence of extraterrestrial life and the potential involvement of governments in concealing or studying such entities.

  • @LemonLord
    12 months ago

    Naturally, I lack the expertise to explain things fundamentally at the moment. However, when the Pentagon says there’s something we can’t explain, I take that as something real. Now, if hundreds of employees testify under oath that adventurous things are happening in the organization’s basements, I must take that seriously too. A false statement would mean prison for the whistleblower. The elephant is legally in the room, and there is an unresolved phenomenon. Fact. Now, this is obviously heavy stuff, and the following possibilities are on the table: a) real, b) not real, but that would have legal consequences for the whistleblowers, c) a mixture of a and b, i.e., Psyop.

    Now, the employees’ statements may be adventurous or not. But the basic message is that things are happening there that cannot be controlled by public authorities in the US. So they are illegal. That’s the point. Ordinary people always think of aliens in such cases. That’s, of course, a cliché like Mickey Mouse. The point is, we’ve been lied to for decades. Some people can’t understand that. Or don’t want to. Intelligence might not be the right word. Consciousness might be better. Animals also have consciousness, and if we truly recognized that consciousness is equal for all beings, then we would spiritually and ethically grow. I see an opportunity in this issue. These phenomena are not new, but very old.