My wife found out Saturday through an DNA test that her dad is not her actual biological father. Her mother had a supposed one time incident with a man she found on Facebook through the names on the ancestry test. Her parents separated when she was 6. She wasn’t close with her dad over the years, but there was nothing ugly about it. Now she has been getting closer with him. She doesn’t want to tell him that he’s not her biological father, as that would hurt the relationship.

I told her she needs to tell him, because honesty is a building block of a relationship and that he’s still her father. If he finds out through the test that he took too (and didn’t put it together that she’s not his), then he will be devastated that she didn’t say anything. My question is, should she tell him or not?

I’ll support her decision either way, but I think honesty is the right thing. The right thing isn’t always the easy thing. I understand that her Dad, who raised her, will always be her true father to her.

    1 year ago

    53m here, so a fellow GenX’er and fellow gadget geek.

    The Bulbs: They are by far the best. Gives a full 100W (1600 lumens) on their colored bulbs, there is even a 85W BR30 bulb. I haven’t looked for a year, but Philips were the only manufacturer offering that back then. Colors are really good. I mean, really really good.

    The hub: An actual honest to god, dotting the lower case “j’s” and crossing the lower case “f’s”, Zigbee implementation. As a Homeseer user, this was important to be able to integrate the bulbs and hub with Homeseer HS4. It works perfectly, actually better than my Zwave network.

    Of course they are fracking expensive. However, I have a lot of the dimming (color temp correction dimming) white, non Hue bulbs around the house. Not one has failed after years of use, even in fixtures they were not really meant for. That bodes well for the Hue bulbs. Reports on the internet show they are reliable as well.

    All of my Hue bulbs are color bulbs, not the color temp changing white bulbs. I was like you, at first, what is the point of the color bulbs. However, I setup some scenes around the house and it’s just…nice. It’s amazing at just how much changing the colors change up a room. I go to bed every night with a color changing scene that I programed through Homeseer and I actually sleep better.

    Your mileage may vary of course, but I personally think they are worth the cost. Am I going to change out every bulb in the house? No, they are way too expensive for that.