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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/throwawaynapkinn on 2023-07-23 13:34:02.

Throwaway account so it’s not leaked to my main.

I (17f) had a birthday party last saturday to see all my relatives and my friends as well. I’m the youngest granddaughter/niece/ daughter so it meant a lot to me to see everybody who came. My sister(24f) Flora and i never been close due to our age gap. When she hit her teenage years, she didn’t even want to be seen with me since it was embarrassing to have a younger sister.

For some context, I was an oopsie baby while Flora wasn’t. She’s always been my parents golden child and it had to be her way or no way. When it came to my birthdays growing up, she’ll find a way to make it about herself. When it was my 14th birthday, Flora faked a panic attack causing my parents to shift their focus on her. I never had a birthday to myself since Flora had to be in the spotlight.

I begged my parents to not invite Flora since i didn’t want to share the spotlight with her. My parents assured me that she’s finally matured and how it was a sister thing. Come the day of the party and Flora comes wearing a big flowy dress Throughout the party ,Flora didn’t drink any alcohol which was strange since she’s a partier. When it came down to gifts, Flora gave me a box with a t-shirt which said “worlds best aunt”. Everybody was shocked and my mother was excited. I bursted out crying.

Floras grin quickly went away when people noticed my negative reaction. My mom told me to stop being selfish since it’s wonderful that my sister was having a baby and how she’s been trying for awhile. All the rage i’ve felt over the years came out and we ended up having a huge argument. I told Flora how my birthday doesn’t revolve around her and how i wish she wasn’t my sister. Cue more screaming and arguing causing half the guest to leave. Flora ended up leaving and now everybody is extremely upset at me for saying what i said

i dont feel guilty and i’m happy but AITA? my parents are pressuring me to say sorry to keep the peace but i don’t want to

    1 year ago

    You ain’t the asshole and shouldn’t feel sorry about it, your sister acts like shes 12 and your parents are even worse for supporting it. I feel sorry for u

    Next time maybe try to invite just your friends and go out somewhere without your family