Hi! I’m a self-taught novice programmer trying to write a macro in javascript for ImageJ. I’ve built a program that I think works, but trying to debug it without a proper debugger has been hell. I’m a hair away from just giving up and rewriting the whole thing in the macro language. I looked online and it seems like I should be able to set up a debugging environment in Visual Studio Code, but I couldn’t find any guide for doing that specifically for ImageJ. I use Visual Studio Code to write my javascript, but any advice on any platform would be helpful. Thank you!

  • MurphysLab@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I’m not aware of a debugger for javascript scripts for ImageJ. 95% of what I need can be accomplished in the macro language. Roughly how many lines is your script?

  • QZM@lemmy.worldM
    1 year ago

    Wish I could help, but my knowledge is negligible in this regard. However, I believe your question came up before on image.sc. Some people seem to be using NetBeans for debugging?

    For example here and maybe here.

    Perhaps @MurphysLab@lemmy.ca can help? If not, you could try posting on image.sc?