• No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
      11 months ago

      Certainly true.

      Though I have to say, I was very surprised by the implication that Fraularm knew about Gloria’s assassination attempt. I can only assume that Bindewald’s wife was the pipeline of communications between Georgine and Gloria and then blabbered on to her sister… but that Georgine would allow such a potential leak to ever happen seems a bit uncharacteristic.

      Maybe Fraularm, despite her seemingly complete lack of competence, whenever she was on the page, does have some skills in her supposed field of expertise of gathering intelligence after all.

      It certainly makes sense now, why she would be that insistent that Rozemyne was dead, after she disappeared, which didn’t make sense to me at the time.

      • cocobean@bookwormstory.social
        11 months ago

        does have some skills in her supposed field of expertise of gathering intelligence after all.

        Other scholars’ approach: be sneaky, be subtle, piece together the puzzle to find out what they need

        Fraularm approach: screech the other person into submission so that they accidentally reveal things they shouldn’t have

        • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
          11 months ago

          I find that rather unlikely. Why go to the royal academy for the poison, which would then need to be smuggled accross the duchy border into Ehrenfest, when at the time she still had loads of name-sworn and other supporters right there within Ehrenfest? Surely some of them would be able to mix that poison, like for example Grausam, who we know to be a skilled scholar.

      • the16bitgamer@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I don’t think this was an info leak. Georgine needed information from the RA. She might’ve just stated that there was a rumour that she’s been. Keep an eye out for me. And Fraularm jumped to conclusions, like she did in this chapter.

  • connie@bookwormstory.social
    11 months ago

    Guess she’s getting her dream library city after all! It makes so much sense that Ferdinand wanted Sylvester to build him a dream workshop all this time too but was always told no. Now they can both have what they want.

    Ferdinand definitely knows what he’s doing. He knows Rozemyne already sees him as family, and now he’s paving the way to become her fiancé because her relationship with him will be problematic if she were to marry literally any other man in all of yogurtland.

    I’m glad she got some well deserved rest, very interesting to know that the windows on her padabus are opaque. Now I’m not sure, does less have a transparent windshield or does she feel the wind in her hair when flying fast? And if it’s transparent, is she able to make it opaque for sleeping?

    Putting a gag in Fraularm’s mouth is just, chefkiss. Thank you Eckhart, we’ve all wanted to do that for years now.

    Looks like we’re finally getting to the real meat of the true ditter match. Lanzenave had some neat tricks, but they really were no match for an aub on her own turf. I can really understand why the Zent only allowed one Lanzenavian per generation to obtain their Schtappe. I think this full scale noble battle will be where the stakes are truly elevated.

    • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
      11 months ago

      When it comes to Fraularm (or Detlinde and Georgine for that matter) I’m more a fan of Cornelius’ solution than Eckharts, if I had to pick one or the other, though the double-pack is the best. :P

  • bacondragonoverlord@feddit.de
    11 months ago

    I really feel like the rozemyne X Ferdinand ship is leaving port at full Speed. I wonder what’s going on in the sovereignty.

    Also I once again find the spell is a bit off. I would like for it to be at least endegrenze. Even if eendgrenze was closer to the original phonetically, or easier on English speaking ears.

    • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
      11 months ago

      Unfortunately so, in my opinion. I really do not like the Rozemyne Ferdinand ship… They have far too much of a parent/child or mentor/pupil relationship, so having them marry makes me really uncomfortable. Also I don’t like how Ferdinand derives pleasure from causing Rozemyne physical pain and how he’s constantly gaslighting and using her, even while helping and protecting her.

      Plus the whole age issues. I know that mentally one could make an argument for Rozemyne to be even older than Ferdinand, if you combined her two lives together, but I think that’s a mistake. For starters going through childhood twice doesn’t make you any more grown up, I’m sure. Someone who went from 0 to 9 twice isn’t suddenly going to behave like a full adult. And that aside, to me Rozemyne is not an adult reborn in a child’s body, but a child infused with memories of a different life. She’s often been acting even more childish than the children of this world, which makes this point rather clear in my opinion.

      There’s also the issue of her reacting outright disgusted, when the issue of her potentially marrying Ferdinand came up in the past.

      I’d much rather see her marry Hildebrand. With how hard he’s working on increasing his mana, their current mana disparity should be something they can overcome, by the time he comes of age. Especially if he also takes to circling the shrines in the royal academy, to become omni-elemental and maybe even a full-on Zent candidate, or even owner of a True Book of Mestionora in his own right.

      In regards to the spell name, this is only the pre-pub. This would hardly be the first time Quof corrected such spellings between pre-pub releases. It’s only final, once the official e-book hits.

      • cocobean@bookwormstory.social
        11 months ago

        I’d much rather see her marry Hildebrand.

        I think this one is a bigger age issue. Rozemyne is far more mentally mature than Hildebrand; sure she can be childish at times, but we’ve seen Hildebrand’s POV and he thinks like an actual child. Plus Roz herself expressed discomfort with the idea of marrying anyone younger than Urano.

      • 15Redstones@sh.itjust.works
        11 months ago

        Rozemyne explicitly allowed him to pinch her cheeks. And for the past few volumes she’s been going to sleep cuddling the shumil lecturing her in Ferdinand’s voice. And back in P3 she downright ordered Benno to yell at her.

        I think she might like it too, even if she doesn’t want to admit it to herself.

        • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
          11 months ago

          Rozemyne does not enjoy the being yelled at or being caused pain. She just craves honest interactions and physical contact so much that even abuse is better than complete neglet and she outright states that in her mind more than once. Taking advantage of this vulnerbility to cause her physical pain is deplorable behaviour, no matter how much “permission” she might have given.

          Also I find it sick to enjoy causing pain to other people, permission or not, unless the recipient did something to really deserve it.

  • belathus@bookwormstory.social
    11 months ago

    Rosemyne being their side’s greatest treasure makes sense to me. No need to protect Ahrenbach’s foundation at all. So now it is time to protect Ehrenfest. Actually, I can think of a reason to protect the foundation there – Letizia is adopted, right? Does her metal stay in Drewanchel or does it get moved when she is adopted?

    And Ahrenbach soldiers are stealing mana from the land using black weapons. Rosemyne called it: Georgine really has no intention of ruling Ehrenfest, just destroying it. Guessing she’ll steal the foundation, destroy the Aub’s family metals, and then let the foundation rot. Still, she now no longer has a place to return. She depends a lot on Lanzenave winning against the Royal Family here, which feels like a big gamble for such a master schemer. Guessing she has a backup plan.

    Also, the Lanzenavians who traveled to the Villa can’t return. I’m curious if we’ll see how the Royal Family handled them. They had an advance warning about the silver cloth, if I recall correctly. I want to know what happens to Leonzio.

  • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
    11 months ago

    I’m surprised that everyone, including Ferdinand and Rozemyne themselves, seems to have forgotten something: Ferdinand is no longer her guardian! He stopped being her guardian, the moment he left Ehrenfest, so that makes his Faux Pas even worse…

    On the plus side, considering how the supposed future Aub Detlinde, cavorted with Leonzio, Ferdinand’s indisgressions here seem a whole lot more tame by comparison and also far more excusable due to the whole situation. Now I have a scene in my head, where an Ahrensbach noble tries to censure Ferdinand for acting so “lascivous” toward Rozemyne and him claiming that after seeing Detlinde acting out with the Lanzenavians without being told off, he just had mistakenly come to the conclusions that Ahrensbach was a place without morals and thus let his own manners slip and the Ahrensbach noble being unable to come up with a retort, just slinking away in shame. ^^

    But leaving the rumors aside, Ferdinand no longer being her guardian and still ordering her around has other problems too. Technically Ferdinand now has absolutely zero authority to forbid Rozemyne from doing anything. She is Aub Ahrensbach. He is a “visiting” Ehrenfest archduke candidate. He is below her in both noble and duchy rank and no longer her guardian. The only legal connection they still have is, that he is her uncle via adoption. So under what authority is he giving her outright orders? And her following those orders, despite him having no authority over her, doesn’t exactly make her look good either, albeit Clarissa’s and Harmut’s brainwashing of the Ahrensbach nobility is coutering that point at least within Ahrensbach quite nicely for now.

    Likewise I would not at all be surprised if some of the… less future oriented Ahrensbach nobles would rightfully point out that Ferdinand has no authority in Ahrensbach anymore. He only had authority through being Detlinde’s fiancé, but neither is he that any longer, nor does Detlinde hold any power in the duchy anymore.

    It might not matter much in the heat of the crisis, were everyone is too busy with far more important things, but it will surely become a very relevant and potentially highly disruptive issue, once the dust starts to settle. They really need to address these issues soon, preferably before they start biting them in the butt.

    • Deemo@bookwormstory.social
      11 months ago

      I do wonder if Roz is Aub how she would handle scenarios where she is forced to prioritize one Dutchy over the other.

      For example currently Roz could easly dump Arinsbach since her family and medal are in Erinfest.

      However say the Gutenberg are transfered to arinsbach, if she was presented with same scenario prioritize Erinfest or Arinsbach I wonder how she would choose.

      • 15Redstones@sh.itjust.works
        11 months ago

        Prioritize Ahrensbach since that’s her job, but also make it clear to everyone that Ehrenfest is an ally and an attack on one is an attack on both.

        Everyone is going to assume that Ehrenfest is her subservient vassal now and she’ll spend years denying it and claiming that they’re equal partners. Even though it’s an open secret that Charlotte Aub Ehrenfest, among countless others, has signed a contract to never become Rozemyne’s enemy, so Ehrenfest is pretty much at Rozemyne’s mercy.

    • poltroon@bookwormstory.social
      10 months ago

      Ferdinand doesn’t have any legal authority over Rozemyne at this point and I am pretty sure that Rozemyne knows this. She chooses to give him authority and follow his direction in the role of her most trusted advisor, which he is and remains.

      I think it would be clear to anyone in Ahrensbach that Rozemyne is giving him that authority and I can’t imagine anyone from Ahrensbach even questioning it particularly.

      • No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
        10 months ago

        Considering how stubborn and idiotic at least some parts of Yurgenschmidt’s nobility are, when it comes to authority and status and all that jazz, I’m sure there will be some nobles, sooner or later, who will have an issue with Aub Ahrensbach taking what appears to be orders from some “random” Ehrenfest noble, even if it means unintentionally sabotaging themselves. Just look at Fraularm…