• Sonori@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    Everything starts at zero, but we arn’t on day zero of fuel cell development. We’re on decade six. There is already massive demand for green hydrogen at a comprehensive price, just as there has been for years, yet supply remains at a tiny fraction of a percent.

    Electric cars are not new, but practical alternatives to lead acid batteries are. Yet somehow, despite these new battery chemistry’s being so much newer than hydrogen, they now make up more than half of all new cars sold in some countries. Hydrogen cars came out in the nineties, and still can’t find buyers.

    Also, for someone who is calling me brainwashed, your the one who can’t seem to find a single verifiable fact to back up your argument. Just saying over and over again that if you don’t support a fossil fuel your a climate change denier.

    • Hypx@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      And we are in the second century of battery powered cars. Even solar cells are technical over 100 years old.

      The difference is that we already tried battery powered cars, and replace them with internal combustion cars. It is fundamentally an obsolete idea. Guys like you want us to stop advancing and stop stick with obsolete technology.

      You’re frankly too deep in your delusion to be worth “disproving.” As long as you oppose green energy, you are a climate change denier. And as a long as you reject new ideas, you are a Luddite. There is no need to go into detail over how nonsensical your position actually is.

      • Sonori@beehaw.org
        10 months ago

        Except your the one opposing green energy at every turn. Hydrogen created from natural gas can not in any way be called green energy, and yet that’s what your defending to the exclusion of actual green energy solutions. Hydrogen powered transport is not a new idea, just a failed one.

        Lead Acid cars failed, not batteries in general. Thouse have advanced to the point they are more common than gas in some countries new cars. Hydrogen by contrast has remained a oil executive fantasy.

        • Hypx@kbin.social
          10 months ago

          Wrong. You’re the one opposed to green energy at every turn. You’re just so brainwashed you can’t even understand your own position.

          Everything is as green as its energy source. Electricity can also be made from natural gas. Is electricity now an elaborate conspiracy by the oil companies? Seriously, it’s multiple levels of delusional thinking and cognitive dissonance.

          No one has every built commercial hydrogen cars until a few years ago. It is fundamentally a never-before-seen technology. If you reject the climate change denier tag, then you get the Luddite tag.

          • Sonori@beehaw.org
            10 months ago

            Toyota and Honda both began leasing Hydogen cars over twenty years ago. By twenty twenty, all but three of half a dozen major automakers to release hydogen vehicles had abandoned development in favor of batteries.

            It is absolutely ludicrous to compare electricity to hydrogen. Eighty percent of my electricity is powerd by renewables with no oil company involved, as compared to the fraction of a single percent of hydogen. To think the two are the same is to so fundamentally reject reality in favor of propaganda that i don’t even know where to start.

            • Hypx@kbin.social
              10 months ago

              You mean in a series of highly experimental vehicles and with no refueling infrastructure, then sure. But in reality, no has seriously tried hydrogen cars until recently. All the support for BEVs is just the result of government subsidies. It is entirely a fake market, and will die off as soon as the subsidies end.

              Wind and solar were just rounding errors on the grid until recently. You could’ve easily made the same argument for BEVs until recently. Not that it matters, because the insanely resource dependent and extremely expensive batteries doom them to inevitable obsolescence for a second time. Car companies that won’t get on board with hydrogen will just die off.

              • Sonori@beehaw.org
                10 months ago

                You know hydogen requires the same batteries right? Enough platinum to directly power a car is far to expensive, so all hydrogen cars need a large battery to store charge for acceleration.

                If BEVs are the result of subsidies, then why are hydrogen vehicles, which enjoy the exact same subsidies still a rounding error? Before you say fueling infrastructure, note that Honda spent quite a lot of money trying to build that out in 2008. Also note that a failure in fuel infrastructure is also a failure of hydrogen.

                Batteries can be recycled, hydrogen still has to be made out of fossil fuels for very single fill up. If the market for BEVs is artificial, then why would there suddenly be a market for a far more expensive and far less convenient technology like hydrogen?

                • Hypx@kbin.social
                  10 months ago

                  You mean 1-2 kWh of batteries? Not the same thing. The platinum claim is outdated. It is no more than a catalytic convertor in newer designs.

                  Hydrogen have not received any real subsidies, at least not yet anyways. The main limiting factor has been the refueling system, which has been mostly ignored until recently. All of this is changing though. The next big deal in green energy is the hydrogen infrastructure.

                  Again, stop repeating climate change denier rhetoric. Hydrogen is made from water. When used, it turns back into water. It literally self-recycles with zero effort. Batteries are infinitely inferior on this criteria.

                  • Sonori@beehaw.org
                    10 months ago

                    Except hydrogen is not made from just water, now is it. It’s made by using two tones of methane gas and five tons of water to make one ton of methane and six tones of co2. Thouse six tons of co2 are not recycled, neither is the natural gas that was used to make it. To say otherwise is what actual climate change denial looks like, as it is literally denying that a process emits vast quantities of co2 in favor of pretending it doesn’t exist. Hydrogen vehicles revive the exact same subsides as battery vehicles dispite this, and and have had public refueling points in California for over a decade.