Looking for some discussion about a very intriguing concept. Members of this community commonly refer to this concept as MOASS. It doesn’t often get discussed directly, but it looms large behind many discussions.

For posterity’s sake, I’d love to get some discussion about it directly. It’s November 24, 2023. As the future unfolds, I’d like to be able to look back on a discussion like this and see what the thoughts about this idea were at this time.

Here are a couple of questions that might be worthy of discussion.

  • What is MOASS?

  • What is the probability of this event occurring over what period of time?

  • Is it inevitable?

  • Is it controversial? If so, why?

  • Are many people aware of the idea?

  • Of people that are aware of it, there are those that believe that it is a real thing that will happen, and there are those that believe that it is not a real thing that will ever happen. Why do some people believe that it cannot happen?

  • Who benefits if MOASS materializes?

  • Who does not benefit / who suffers if MOASS materializes?

  • Is MOASS potentially an existential threat to some parties? If yes, which parties?

  • If MOASS is an existential threat to some parties, and if those parties had an interest in self-preservation, how would they be feeling? How would they be behaving? What actions would they likely be taking in the interest of self-preservation?

  • What are some of the implications if/when MOASS materializes?

  • WallyBuck@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Preface: This is my personal opinion. Which is subject to change based upon new information. I welcome an open discussion on the subject!

    1. What is MOASS?
    • “The Mother of All Short Squeezes”.
    1. What is the probability of this event occurring over what period of time?
    • Impossible to say definitively. There is an argument to be made that the prerequisites have been met and that is ramifications are ripping through the global financial system as I am writing this post. And that this with a claim on the equity of a company (or companies) that have been abusively naked-short-sold will appreciate rapidly and exponentially through a process of forced closures pending an inevitable catalyst. Alternatively, it can be argued that the status quo is too powerful, that corruption is too deep seated, & that the liabilities that would result in would lead to The MOASS will be can-kicked to infinity. Finally, the possibility of The MOASS can be written off as being a “conspiracy theory”. I will expand on these below.
    1. Is it inevitable?
    • Depends on who you ask. I think the better questions are multi-faceted. These questions being: Will be a disruption to the current world order? If so, who will be the beneficiaries? And finally, why did these beneficiaries benefit from this change?
    1. Is it controversial? If so, why?
    • Absolutely. The ramifications of The MOASS must include a significant transfer of wealth from Wall Street’s elite to individual household investors across the globe. Along with Wall Street’s coffers being drawn down, this will also depreciate the value of the largest “blue chip” & “low risk” investment vehicles. The reason being that these are the assets that will be sold off by The Wall Street Elite in order to meet their margin call. Along with The Wall Street Elite suffering. Unfortunately, so will many households that are passively invested into broad market exposure. And for them, this depreciation will not be offset by the asymmetric upside of The Equities that are skyrocketing in value due to The MOASS. The MOASS represents absolute disruption to the stability of the status quo.
    1. Are many people aware of the idea?
    • Hard to say for sure. But widespread knowledge is not likely. At most, perhaps a few million people around the world.
    1. Of people that are aware of it, there are those that believe that it is a real thing that will happen, and there are those that believe that it is not a real thing that will ever happen. Why do some people believe that it cannot happen?
    • This will be contingent on the narrative that someone believes in the contract of The MOASS. The likelihood of some sort of global reset, and subsequently the likelihood of being able to benefit from such an event by proactively taking a countercultural position. And investing in precisely in certain equities that the Corporate Media has been telling everyone to avoid for over 3 years running.
    1. Who benefits if MOASS materializes?
    • At the very least, this that hold long positions on any equities that have been abusively sold short in the past, and are being force closed due to The MOASS. The set of beneficiaries could expand based on other criteria. Such as these MOASS stocks being included into major stock indices before the MOASS occurs. The MOASS could also result in globally inclusive benefits, as it would strike a major blow to global corruption in Cundiff markets, and enrich millions of individuals around the world, who may invest in their local communities.
    1. Who does not benefit / who suffers if MOASS materializes?
    • Those who have been engaging in illegal naked short selling, those who have been supporting them, and potentially those who are passively invested into broad market exposure.
    1. Is MOASS potentially an existential threat to some parties? If yes, which parties?
    • Absolutely. This is outlined in previous answers.
    1. If MOASS is an existential threat to some parties, and if those parties had an interest in self-preservation, how would they be feeling? How would they be behaving? What actions would they likely be taking in the interest of self-preservation?
    • They have been, and continue to perform any actions that they can to survive another day. These people are narcissists and will breach any legal or moral contact in order to survive and keep their power.
    1. What are some of the implications if/when MOASS materializes?
    • There are too many implications to list here. Broadly speaking; The MOASS has the potential to redistribute wealth on a global scale, result in massive tax receipts for world governments, and issue in an Era of transparency in world financial markets. There will be disruption & pain in the short to medium term for many. But, also the possibility (dare I say a likelihood?)of a better world in the long-term.