Neither side should be proud of their actions here
Oh, I don’t know about that… Hamas’ attack has led to the first large-scale failure of the pro-Israeli propaganda machine in the west in four decades - the hysterically fascist reaction of the US political establishment to this propaganda failure is pretty self-evident.
I’d say Hamas have managed to achieve something quite momentous.
2 wrongs don’t make a right. Neither side should be proud of their actions here
Oh, I don’t know about that… Hamas’ attack has led to the first large-scale failure of the pro-Israeli propaganda machine in the west in four decades - the hysterically fascist reaction of the US political establishment to this propaganda failure is pretty self-evident.
I’d say Hamas have managed to achieve something quite momentous.
So you believe the violence should continue?
Do you think a white supremacist settler-colonialist state will dismantle itself because I believe it “should?”
If yes… then the answer is no.