Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31
Chapter 32 l Chapter 33 l Chapter 34


Existence in the mortal realm is bizarre.

Time, for example, is odd. It flows in one direction, and does not counter balance as I was used to, at first.

To describe it, now, knowing time, is even stranger.

As if, prior to this moment I was taking breath without thought or concern, and now I must consider every breath I take or I’ll suffocate.

This description is, at best, poor.

When I came to be, I existed only to maintain the gateway betwixt Heaven and the Mortal Plane.

That was my task. My purpose.

My creators, Sofia the Sword of Samael and Samael the Venom of God, had sacrificed their existence to call me into being.

Yet, despite this, when I saw the intent of Xyphiel to use my gateway to invade the Heavens, I knew I could hold it open no longer.

I abandoned my task.

I abandoned my purpose.

So now, as I have closed the gate, I have attended the Sword of Samael’s duties within the Guardian Temple’s walls.

But so much has gone on in a short time.

Now, I do battle with Bella, the Lord of Wrath, alongside Zepherina.

Zepherina, despite her battle prowess and power, lacks a title.

Should I suggest one?

I am not ‘Breathing’ at the moment. Taking time to think, attempt to figure out a good method of attacking this matter.

But my thoughts linger. As if I grew distracted.

Why does the mortal plane do this?

My train of thought is pulled back to the Guardian Temple, prior to me leaving. Yet after forging Saint Michael into a Godly Weapon.

I recall, I spoke to Asmodai.

“You abandoned your post as Lord of Wrath, yes?” I queried.

“I did not abandon it, I was transubstantiated,” Asmodai spoke curtly, looking me up and down, “I took you for more of a construct and nothing more. An echo of my sister and father.”

“Sister? You shared no blood,” I pointed out.

“No, but we shared a connection through my father, Samael,” Asmodai explained.

I nodded, “So, a sister of spirit.”

“Yes,” Asmodai said, “You hold her memories, yes?”

“Much like a book I have read,” I explained, “I know of her experiences, as I do of Samael’s. But the method of it, the motives, some are lost on me.”

Asmodai scoffed, shaking his head, “Seems you know enough to accomplish your purpose here.”

“Yet, that is the sticking point,” I explained, moving towards him, my eyes focusing firmly on his emerald-ish ones. Mixed within his green was a brilliant violet, likely an echo of Ragna. “This isn’t my purpose.”

“Is that why you asked me why I abandoned my seat as Lord of Wrath?” Asmodai asked with more understanding.

I nodded.

Asmodai sighed, “The succubus girl, Tasha, summoned a miracle to destroy my wings.”

“Impressive feat,” I confirmed.

“Something I wasn’t prepared for,” Asmodai admitted, “Her staff was more blessed than I thought. Sanctified with the blood of God’s Son, made flesh.”

“I see,” I felt disheartened.

“What bothers you, little sister?” Asmodai asked.

“I am not-” I attempted to explain, as I had to Tim, but he prevented me.

“You are not the same sister, but another half-sister of mine. Now, more so than Sofia ever was,” Asmodai explained.

“-Female,” I finished.

Asmodai looked me over, nodding, “Apologies. I’ve dealt with mortal souls for so long, they’re so attached to their physical bodies in life, in death it’s very much how they identify.”

“It is welcomed that you would refer to me as a ‘sister’ however, but a sibling would be better suited,” I clarified.

Asmodai sighed, “I’ll stick to just calling you Vael, then.”

I rested for a moment before I asked my next question, “When you lost your seat, what did you believe your purpose to be, afterwards? Did you find a new one or was one presented to you?”

Asmodai paused, looking away, “I had a mission. But I also had mortal emotions and a physical body. I felt sorrow, guilt, loss and whatever a ‘depression’ would be considered.”

“That sounds awful,” I informed, worried I might suffer the same emotions.

“If not for Sara, I am unsure I’d have recovered a purpose,” Asmodai explained, “She drove me forwards. Pushed me towards my goal. A mission I had. To inform Ragna of a message from her father.”

“What was that message?” I asked.

“If I were to tell you the universe itself would unravel,” Asmodai said softly, looking around cautiously, “Repeat not that I even spoke of it.”

I nodded, “But, that message gave you purpose? What happened when you delivered it?”

“I was rewarded with a return to form. I was immortal once more, a Cherubim once more, though no longer the Lord of Wrath as I had been,” Asmodai explained.

“So you were given a new purpose?” I asked, wondering if I should consider the same route.

“I was,” Asmodai confirmed. He paused and let a heavy sigh out, “Why are you so focused on this line of questioning?”

“I feel lost,” I floated downwards, slightly, “I feel as though I abandoned my purpose to keep the gates of Heaven open. Now that I have left this task, I feel… aimless.”

Asmodai considered this for a few moments. His eyes staring off into the distance before he turned to me once more, “Do you know why it was that Lucifer first felt that God was wrong?”

I shook my head.

“He felt that more free will ought to be given to the creations of God,” Asmodai explained, “You and I? Without a purpose, a task, we feel lost and confused. We lack the free will required to make our own choices. You, more than me, as I am half a human being,” he paused, “Of sorts.”

“Lucifer raged a war on Heaven, over free will?” I asked.

“Indeed,” Asmodai turned to me, “Free will you likely aren’t aware you have. But you are learning,” he smiled, “You left your post, as the one who held open the Gates of Heaven. Why?”

“I sensed Xyphiel could use the gate to invade, I decided it would be better closed, as most of our forces had exited,” I explained.

“You made that choice of your own free will,” Asmodai pointed out, “You chose your own purpose.”

“I did?” I paused, confused.

“You’ll find your footing. You’ll need a little guidance, at first. But soon enough, you’ll find the free will Sofia left you, and in doing so, you’ll be capable of making choices of your own,” Asmodai assured.

“How will I know they are the right ones?” I asked.

“Ah, there’s the rub,” Asmodai said with a sly grin, “You don’t. That’s what makes it your choice.”

I took a breath, in time.

“My choice,” I thought as I heard Bella shout out definitively at us.

Have you finally discovered the breadth of your folly, girl?” Bella’s melodious voice echoed through the room.

My eyes scanned the scales around us, above, below, to the sides.

We were completely surrounded.

“You won’t win,” Zepherina exclaimed as she took an attack stance.

Bella shook her head tauntingly, ““Poor deluded little girl, I already have.”

I considered the statement, pausing my thoughts again.

The outside world froze as I once again stopped breathing this ‘Time’.

So bizarre. When I was at the gate, I could move backwards. I could see the past. Now, it comes so slow, everything around me must come to a halt for me to consider my thoughts.

Is this how mortals function?

It feels awful.

Bella’s plot wasn’t difficult to decode.

Zepherina and I were of the stronger subset of beings that Tim had chosen for his attack.

Demond, Tasha, and Xei certainly could handle greater Demons on their own, but not established Avatars as Bella is.

Even so, Bella’s using all her might merely to hold us in a stalemate. She’s proven she lacks the power to kill us, but it seems we lack the ability to break free from her shell.

I must make a choice, Zepherina had asked me to earlier and I was unsure of what the correct course of action is.


That’s the best option.

I attempted to open the gate, and as I did, it seemed I began to operate in time once more.

Time began to move forward again. The scales around us are undulating and swirling. The entire chamber pulsing with life.

I could see all around me and there appeared to be no gaps in her armor.

Though I saw something odd. Two small slivers of space. I thrust my arms upwards and realized they aligned with where Zepherina’s blades had pierced.

My arms pierced into the small gaps, though as they did, I felt the scales tighten firmly around the tips of them.

Zepherina turned to me, realizing how it lined up, “It’s a mirror!”

The entire sphere began to spin and as it did I was stuck hard.

I had made the wrong choice.

I exhaled.

The spinning stopped, as did everything else.

I considered things from here.

A puzzle that was beyond strange and infuriating.

Yet it seemed familiar.

“One doth not sacrifice a Pawn knowing it could someday become a Queen. Pawns must be directed, of course, to the other end of the board first.” I heard the voice of Samael in my mind, the edge of a shared memory.

There, Sofia stood, her hands locked in those of the Angel Samael’s. They stood, in a stand-off.

A Stalemate.

I began to breathe in time once more and tugged as Sofia did, but found no purchase.

I exhaled.

“Wrestle free of mine grip and be free, fail and slumber for however long it takes to free thyself.” Samael taunted Sofia.

Why was he being so cruel to her? Wait, yes… There was a reason. A lesson!

How did Sofia break free?

Their back and forth continued until Sofia finally discovered an exit.

She turned her hands into blades, and in doing so, cut Samael’s palms, and slid her hands out of his grip.

There, the blood began to surround Sofia, creating the Halo of the Sun.

Child, is it not beautiful? Opening thine eyes for the first time?” Samael’s voice lilted.

Blood, Samael’s blood.

Now my blood!

I took a breath, and twisted my arm, cracking open the hardened surface and allowing my blood to flow onto the scales where my arms were trapped.

There, I focused my blood and created a seal mirrored after that of the Halo of the Sun.

I opened my eyes, letting loose a mighty wave of mana from them, empowering the seal.

It glowed brightly and I could see behind me, the same symbol was now burning on Bella’s barrier.

Bella’s eyes moved from Zepherina to the burning emblem, “Well, aren’t you full of surprises.”

Zepherina cried out, pushing her blade through the hole towards Bella.

I pushed my way out as well, finding the seal had given me an exit.

I tumbled to the ground, turning to see a massive black ball of scales still encompassing Zepherina and Bella.

I must make my way to the others,” I thought to myself, before pausing, exhaling.

But, what of Zepherina? Without me, she was unable to even touch Bella. Though I had escaped, I could not leave her behind, could I?

I had to make a choice.

I must find my purpose.


“Zepherina!” I shouted as the ground sealed up below me.

It happened so fast!

Her first footfall upon the steps and she was pulled down below.

“That wasn’t Bella, but it was an avatar. There’s only two established now. If she’s fighting the Avatar of Lust, then we have nothing to worry about,” Timothy reassured, “Vael’s with her. They knew our goal. It also means if that’s the Lust Avatar, then Bella is likely with Xyphiel, performing the ritual.”

Demond nodded, “We need to push on,” he said as he shifted into his white wolf form.

I gritted my teeth and nodded. “I can’t lose her too… Zepherina, kick her ass.”

I couldn’t even send a thought to her, wherever she was, she seemed completely isolated.

I shook my head as I charged up the steps. Vael and Zepherina were together, the pair of them could take out a single Avatar. It was up to us to handle Xyphiel.

We reached the top of the steps, Tasha pausing a moment as she closed her eye, holding her staff close to her. “I can feel Father’s energy… This way,” she said, moving her staff towards the throne room of the Capitol building.

“Of course,” I growled to myself as I followed Tasha’s direction, drawing the Blade of the Guardians, that had once been my uncle Michael.

Timothy ran alongside me on my right, Demond on my left as we made our way to the throne room.

I paused at the doors, doing my best to ignore the sights of soldiers impaled along the walls, the cracking and singed flooring and the stink of sulfur throughout these once pristine halls. “How do we know when to strike?” I whispered.

Tasha closed her eye, “I’m trying to find the signs of the ritual…”

To my shock, the doors flung open.

I leapt back, as did Demond and Timothy.

My My My,” Xyphiel’s voice called out, sarcastically, “How unexpected.”

I narrowed my eyes. Xyphiel wasn’t one to bluff, he knew we were coming ahead of time, “Well Xyphiel, I don’t think you’d expect us to let the last battle pause too long!” I shouted.

Xyphiel stood at the center of the throne room, his crimson eyes glowing with a pulsing flame as he lowered the Puriel blade to his side. Apparently he had thrust it at the closed doors when he had arrived.

“He’s not divested the other sins…” Tasha whispered, “I can feel their power within him.”

“Are we too early?” Timothy growled, clenching his claws as he narrowed his eyes on Xyphiel, “Fine. We’ll take him out regardless.”

“You’re neither late nor early,” Xyphiel chuckled, “You’ve arrived exactly when I planned for you to.”

Walking out from behind him I saw Khairunnisa, her crimson wings towering above her, her hooves clopping on the ground softly as her chain mail shifted. “Punctual, aren’t they?”

“What have you done with my daughter?!” I shouted, pointing my blade at the succubus.

Khairunnisa chuckled softly, her bust rising and falling distractingly, “Oh, me? Nothing. I left her with another playmate.”

“Who?!” I snapped.

Knowledge is power,” Xyphiel said firmly, “Let your imagination devise whatever you think has happened to your science experiment.”

“If you’ve harmed her, I’ll destroy you!” I screamed as I launched myself towards Xyphiel.

In an instant the Puriel Blade clashed with my Sanctified blade of the Guardians, Xyphiel’s eyes widening in surprise, “…St. Michael,” he whispered, astonished.

“Yes,” I growled, sparks flying off our blades as they clashed.

Xyphiel thrust his leg straight up, forcing me to dodge his sudden kick.

I flew back, taking a defensive stance.

Xyphiel’s leg remained high in the air as he chuckled, slowly lowering his foot, “You’ve gotten faster.”

“I know your tricks,” I quipped.

“So you think,” Xyphiel snapped his fingers, “Though I must admit, I’m surprised to see who has joined you. Timothy, Zepherina and Vael were expected… but Tasha, Xei, and…” Xyphiel paused, glancing at Demond, “The Mongrel.”

Demond growled, “After what you took from me, why wouldn’t I come to get a piece of your ass?”

Xyphiel rolled his eyes, “Sorry if I’m unaware of the particular sleight you claim I have levied against you. Last I checked, you’re the one who insulted me by marrying my daughter. I’m only thankful she’s sterile and thus you cannot sully my bloodline with yours.”

Demond’s lip lifted up in a growl.

“You killed his brother and my lover, Elon!” Xei shouted, her eye pulsing red with rage.

Xyphiel looked disgusted, “The sniper…? Ugh.”

Demond’s teeth were bared as he crouched down, ready to launch himself at Xyphiel.

“Demond, stay your attack!” I warned, “He’ll slice you in half,” I added.

Timothy stood between Demond and Xyphiel, “This is over, father. It ends here and now.”

Xyphiel shook his head, “You’re half right.” He snapped his fingers, “Come to me.”

With that, I heard the sound of a pair of feet landing behind me, only to spot Serenity falling from the ceiling. She chuckled, spinning her bow staff and slamming it onto the marble floor, cracking it, “Master has told me there’s no more limits. You must die!”

“I’ll handle Serenity,” Timothy asserted, “I have a promise to keep.” He turned and rushed towards Serenity.

That was before he had to leap away, a massive club the size of Timothy’s body slamming down in front of Serenity.

Timothy leaped back, looking up as the ground shook, the stench of sulfur redoubling.

A massive creature loomed overhead, the face of a horse, with mighty draconic wings, horns and armored to the teeth in black and red plate. Huge hooves came down on the ground, shaking it with each foot-fall. A maw filled with predatory teeth opened as it roared at Timothy.

Abaddon,” Xyphiel ordered, “Serenity,” he grinned as he turned to Khairunnisa, “And my Avatar of Lust… Tear the last Guardians of the Temple to shreds,” Xyphiel decreed, “I shall handle my sister.”

Abaddon lifted his huge mace up, bringing it down onto Timothy.

I tried to rush forward, but watched as Tasha leapt before Timothy, her bow-staff high in the air, blocking the massive mace, “Go!” Tasha shouted, “Xei, you and I shall take this one!”

Xei nodded and rushed towards Abaddon.

I turned behind me to see Khairunnisa dashing towards Timothy.

Demond slammed his shoulder into Khairunnisa, knocking her to the ground, a yellow aura surrounding him. He paused for only a moment, “Kill him, for my brother!” he shouted, before he leapt to attack the still prone Khairunnisa.

Timothy quickly clashed with Serenity and I charged once more to Xyphiel.

Xyphiel blocked my attack, but I struck with enough force to send him sliding back several meters, his stance barely changing as the force of my attack finally ceased. “Now now, Dear sister… You’re not a fool. Whether on the battlefield as you led orcs to shatter churches and fortresses, or when we laid siege to entire countries, you know this battle doesn’t bode well in your favor,” he grinned wickedly to me, “It’s why you retreated in the first place.”

I hissed at him, lifting my blade and pulling another blade from my wing. I brought both blades against his, growling as I pushed harder.

Xyphiel’s smile didn’t fade, “Come now, Sister. Are you truly of the belief that they will absolve you of your sins when this is all over…? That they’d accept you?” Xyphiel’s smile faded, “They won’t forgive you. But I will. I understand your pain,” Xyphiel explained, *“*I understand what you want. If you just put your blade down, and aid me, we’ll build a better world. One without such a hateful deity to those such as yourself.”

I pushed upwards, forcing Xyphiel back, and slamming my blade down on the Puriel blade once more.

A shockwave knocked several chairs and tapestries back throughout the throne room, a few windows shattering as we clashed.

I’ll take that as a ‘No’,” Xyphiel scoffed.

I launched another attack, only for Xyphiel to dodge it quickly. He had vanished. I had to goad him out, of course.

I glanced around the throne room, the various fighting behind me growing more distant as I realized we were being separated. This was all going directly to Xyphiel’s favor. “How did you even know we were coming?” I snapped, hoping he would enjoy divulging at least part of his plot.

Xyphiel’s voice echoed through the room, “How? Why… We had Esmerelda lie to you, of course.”

“That’s impossible!” I shouted, “I own her soul! She couldn’t lie to me!”

Then I suppose this is yours…” Xyphiel said with a chuckle.

I caught a small object that was tossed at me, dropping the feather sword next to me, though it floated by my side rather than touch the ground.

I looked down to see a small gem in my hand, but within it pulsed a familiar energy.

“What is this?” I asked.

“Not what,” Xyphiel taunted, “Whom.”

I looked down, searching the object for anything, but only feeling a connection to it. My eyes widened as I realized what that connection was, “E-Esmeralda. How?!”

Xyphiel appeared from the shadows, his crimson eyes surrounding him in dark fire, “Breaking her will. It, of course, was the most pain any sentient being can suffer. Bella’s magic aided in that horror. Forcing her to speak words to betray you, her Mistress, destroyed every part of her. Watching her shatter apart, I must say, was unnerving to witness.”

I glanced at the small soul core in my hand, my face falling as I closed my fist around it, “You absolute… Bastard…” I growled, taking the soul core and pressing it into my armor’s chest plate.

I could feel only the faintest essence of Esmerelda. Just a waning feeling of regret and loss.

Are you more furious that I used her against you,” Xyphiel taunted, holding the Puriel blade to his side as his wings opened wide, “Or are you angered with the fact that it was your orders that led her to such a horrific fate?”

“I’m angered at how far you fell, ”I growled, glaring at Xyphiel.

Xyphiel scoffed, “How far I fell? You were deeper than I, dear sister. Or have you forgotten the churches you set ablaze? The clergy you hung from their rafters? The rage by which you executed crusader and priest alike? I haven’t…” Xyphiel grinned, “Neither does He. He won’t forgive you for your sins against His churches,” Xyphiel’s face grew serious, “So, forget Him. Come sister, this tantrum of yours has lasted long enough. Come, let’s go back to toppling nations and burning the unclean worlds within.”

“This world has hope!” I shouted, “I was making something of it, damn you!”

“And what a wonderful place it has become!” Xyphiel taunted, anger swelling in his voice, “You truly believed these pathetic creatures could ever bring forth a society worthwhile?!”

“They were making strides!” I argued.

“Only because you gave them a war to fight! You think peace would have lasted! These Terrans couldn’t handle a peaceful existence! Such a disgusting war-driven race couldn’t possibly inherit our Nite!” Xyphiel shouted.

I paused, narrowing my eyes on his, “And you think this is the way to revive our Nite?”

Xyphiel scoffed, “Nite is gone, Sellie… Long Long Gone,” he said softly, looking up to me, disdain in his eyes, “Ripped away from us by God’s decree. Left to rot and decay. So if entropy is what He has decided would take away the bliss that was Nite, then let it be!” Xyphiel spread his crimson wings, his expression stone, “Let the entropy I reap consume the Guardians as well!”

I readied my blades, “I will stop you. Today, I will stop the monster I created.”

Xyphiel’s expression was no longer playful, “You created?” Xyphiel hissed, “I created myself, Sellenia!”

Xyphiel charged at me.

I had hoped I had just goaded him, but the speed he charged at me with was beyond anything I had seen before.

I couldn’t get out of the way, I could barely block his strike.

As he slammed into me, I was forced back by the shockwave of our collision.

I scarcely steadied myself before his next assault was hurling my way.

I dodged it, just in time for the Puriel blade to swing down and slash through the floor.

The strike ripped through the air, carrying past the floor and knocking down the wall in front of it.

I leapt back, attempting to put some distance between Xyphiel and myself, while also trying to keep our battle from impacting Timothy or the others.

Xyphiel was done talking, he was finished placating me and trying to turn me to his side.

Now he was going for the killing blow.

I couldn’t remain on the defensive for long.

I focused as hard as I could, channeling the mana at my disposal and clearing my mind.

I might not be at my peak, but I had to get as close as I could, or everything would be lost. Including Zepherina.

I felt something click, only for Xyphiel’s’ blade to pop into my peripheral vision for a split second.

I parried it and thrust my blade forward, striking his chest!

My blade ripped through fabric and skipped over armor, but my next swing was for his wrist.

As I swung down, I managed to connect, though as I did a blast of crimson steam jetted out of his flesh like a water main.

I was forced back and Xyphiel roared in pain.

Xyphiel landed not far from me, but I was blinded by the crimson mana that filled the air like miasma.

So!” Xyphiel roared, “You’re not defenseless after all! Eva, Belphegor and Zelletia truly failed me, then!”

I tried to focus through the sea of mana, but it was difficult. It was all from Xyphiel, so hard to see him, even his spirit, through the red mist.

I opened my eyes as best I could, feeling them sting with the energetic air.

I have no time for your games, Sellie! Don’t think I do not know what is coming!” Xyphiel taunted.

My heart sank.

He couldn’t know….

“Your God Hunters will come too late,” Xyphiel growled, “By the time they make it here, you and what’s left of your family will be dead. Your little followers will be undone when I tear the fabric of this universe asunder!”

I could hear his voice from all directions, and readied my blades.

I rushed forward, pushing towards where I had guessed he’d be.

While I missed my strike, I was out of the miasma, turning to see the plums of crimson steam slowly starting to dissipate.

My eyes widened as I saw how much mana was in the air.

A normal cut on an ascended Cherubim would be a short burst of smoke before the wound might close. The physical barrier being injured just long enough for the mana within to release.

But so much had poured out of Xyphiel, it was an indication only of how much was still held within him.

How could his physical form contain so much raw essence?! It shouldn’t be possible!

Xyphiel ripped out of the mist, clouds of the billowing mana clinging to him like water as he raged towards me.

I slammed my foot down, forcing my own mana out around me and Xyphiel slammed into my barrier.

I watched the runes around me shudder and shake as Xyphiel’s mana lapped at the shield, a madness in his fiery eyes as he glared at me with hatred.

Using all your tricks, Sellenia… You just might stay your execution a while longer!” Xyphiel growled as the Puriel blade began to slowly push its way through my shield.

I pushed my shield forward, creating an opening at the rear and falling back as best I could.

I focused my magic, attempting to trap Xyphiel in some sort of ice or anything to slow him down.

But I couldn’t get the spells to line up to make a decent hit! He was too fast, dodging closer and closer to me.

The next strike I blocked with the blade forged from St. Michael, the force knocking me back through the wall behind me.

Our blades locked together, Xyphiel and I rocketed into the courtyard, stone structures, vehicles and masonry crashing around us as I locked eyes with him.

I will practice slaying a God, starting with you, dear sister,” Xyphiel hissed, his blade pushing hard enough to make my wrist shake with effort.

I gritted my teeth, putting everything I had into my defense in my right arm. I swung at Xyphiel with my left, only for my blade to be blocked by his.

“I… Am Not… Your sister…” I hissed, “I’m the sister of Kriggary… Misho,” I growled, “And he… is… Dead.”

How convenient you think so,” Xyphiel growled, moving to kick me again. I blocked as best I could with my shin, the impact causing the ground to shake and tremble all around us. “Whatever helps you justify turning on me.”

“I don’t need justification,” I snapped.

Then do you do this for their forgiveness? To make up for your sins?” Xyphiel taunted.

“I do this for myself!” I shouted, “because everything in my life that was good has been taken away by you**!**” I roared, forcing him back, finally.

I launched a flurry of blows, lashing out at him with strike after strike, each parry and block causing a shockwave to ripple across the courtyard.

I gave a potent thrust once I had seemingly knocked Xyphiel off his footing, only for him to block and lift up my blade. I dropped my feather sword, moving both hands to the Sanctified blade of The Guardians.

I wished, briefly, I had the first style of sword I ever trained with.

The one I learned how to use from my first Master, Keigan.

“I am, as you design,” I heard St. Michael’s voice whisper into my mind.

I took a firm breath, pressing hard, and glancing to the hilt, where I could see the small thumb-switch.

The Hidden Blade.

I locked eyes with Xyphiel, flicking the switch.

The broad length of the blade fell away, folding back, revealing a stiletto at the core of it.

I drove it forward towards Xyphiel’s heart, now falling forward with all the momentum that I had locked against him with.

But to my horror, Xyphiel vanished, my eyes widening as my heart sank in my chest.

My stomach dropped as I seemed to fall in slow motion.

I heard the sound of the blade and the rush of mana long before I felt anything.

I fell forward, the tip of the sword burying itself in the ground as I gasped in breath.

My heart started to beat frantically. So hard I felt it in my ears, my cheeks. I felt my pulse through the searing pain radiating from my back.

My ears rang, my hands ached and shook and I felt heat running down my back. The stinging sensation rapidly made itself more evident as the sound of my wings thumping listlessly to the ground pierced through the soundlessness around me.

I collapsed, curling up in pain as I ripped the sword out of the ground.

It reformed into its original shape, though it shook in my hand, feeling heavy.

Xyphiel loomed over me, his expression deadpan. “Really? Did you think I forgot your oldest technique?”

My jaw shook as I slowly got to my feet, glancing to my side to confirm Xyphiel had cut my wings off. “Y-You…” I stammered. Whether it was blood-loss, the rampant sensations of my now mortal body or pure fear making me do-so, I was unsure.

“I do hope this confirms for you, dear sister, that I am indeed, your brother,” Xyphiel whispered.

I gasped as he was upon me, and now I felt a blade piercing through my chest as Xyphiel whispered into my ear coldly.

“Though, Kriggary is, indeed, long gone. Do not worry, I will destroy Heaven first, knowing you won’t be there,” Xyphiel taunted. “It’s a shame. We could have been as we once were. Brother and sister, against the world.”

I held onto his shoulder, feeling blood seep into my lungs, “I… Will Never… See you as my brother,” I wheezed.

“When I slay Timothy, I’ll make sure to tell him your last words. Perhaps he’ll have Synchronous record them for prosperity, though I’ll rip her from his skull once he’s dead,” Xyphiel hissed as he pulled the blade from my chest.

I blinked, “S-Sync…?”

“Yes,” Xyphiel scoffed, “Seems Rachel and Timothy shared a penchant for fusing their bodies with dangerous technology.”

I felt my breath leaving me, but I smiled one last time, taking the deepest breath I could.

In his final gloat, he gave the keys to victory. Maybe not to me, but he gave them to Timothy, most assuredly.

“Go to Timothy,” I thought to St. Michael’s spirit, as the blade left my hand. I prayed an enchanted blade would do as requested, and as my vision blurred, I shouted out, “Synchronous! Release Runic Restriction Level 0!”

  • Zithero@lemmy.worldOPM
    10 months ago

    u/Heaven-sent-me and I proudly present, chapter 35 of Book 3, Behind the Vael!

    This chapter is dedicated to u/Deep_in_Ruins - We are alight, and we are back!!

    Vael describes her existence to all of us mere mortals as she wrestles with several inner (and outer) demons. Will Vael be able to stop Bella along with Zepherina??

    Meanwhile Timothy and the others rush into fight Xyphiel… But it seems he was expecting the party. Ragna clashes with Xyphiel - and brother and sister face off in an epic battle! Who will win, and who will fall?

    Our Patreons already know - or at least had access! Join them for early previews, first draft access, and more at !

    • Ariel Calhoun
    • Ari
    • Craig Sanders
    • David Eilbert
    • Dylan Beck
    • Jason Santa Ana-White
    • Jessica Audrey Adamson
    • Lindsey Macintire
    • Obi-mom_kenobi aka La Zette
    • The Terminator
    • Zach Sebo