I am looking for a wallet I can keep in cold storage (an offline machine) which can occasionally sign txes and have a hot wallet send them. I’m having trouble finding a wallet that supports this. Or is multisig a better way to do this?
Preferably OSS, preferably run on Linux, needs a GUI.
Electrum is great at this. It’s even pre-installed on Tails OS (Linux) if you want to use that.
Awesome, I’ve used Electrum before and never knew it could do this. Thank you!
I like Cold Card + Sparrow
Would a hardware wallet suffice? Or does that not meet your requirement of needing a GUI?
Otherwise what about running Electrum on an old laptop with the network card removed?
In any case the hot wallet could be a watch only wallet under Electrum. Whatever you choose for the cold wallet, you could sign transactions there and broadcast them from the hot wallet.