Would Luddites find the gig economy familiar?
Luddites were hardly the anti-tech dullards historians have painted them to be.
@[email protected] This is key: “House of Lords made it a capital crime in 1812.” This was not the inevitable march of progress. The government made protest punishable by death. This is the government picking winners and losers, and as usual, it’s the already wealthy that are picked as the winners
@[email protected] Actually, historians tend to present Luddites as forward-thinking people who acted to protect workers from destitution. It’s the technology industry that tries to paint anyone against the latest unregulated value-extraction scheme as dullards.
@[email protected] polecam, a to tylko przetłumaczony fragment:
@[email protected] 💯💯💯
@[email protected] This is an interesting take on the subject. I’m both a techie and recently a Luddite. I loved computers in the past but now loathe anything labeled as “smart”.
These “smart” devices are being adopted by normies. I’m afraid that in the future, people who do not want their privacy invaded, be subscription service-entrapped, or be vendor locked-in will have a difficult time advancing in the future because normies have sold their soul.
@[email protected]
this comment:@[email protected] Quite interested to read this. And I don’t know where you got that picture of me trying to sort out the new iPad.