• jopepa@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      It seems like you’re equating the feeling of guilt with shame. They’re often synonymous, but there is a difference. Shame is feeling that you are wrong, guilt is feeling you did wrong. One feeling is self destructive the other is reflective.

      Personally, I know I’m the worst version of myself when I’m bogged down in negative self esteem and feelings of shame. Self love is a necessary to become open to the world and open to being changed by it.

      I get that you’re taking a swing at the stunted narcissist types, but even they’d be better off if they did the introspection and shadow work to intigrate with and understand their feelings of shame to process them through guilt and get out of the shame trap.

      “Pride isn’t the opposite of shame, but it’s source.” -Uncle Iroh