Kent right here talks about how Linux related companies need to focus on putting their resources towards collaborating and helping big companies port their software and THEN introduce open source software to new users instead of remaking desktop environments, pushing companies away, and overall doing the same thing over and over.

I kind of agree with him just not completely, but my question is:

Do any of you agree?

      9 months ago

      I Dualboot as well, because the programs I want to use are not available on Linux and this keeps me from switching 100% to Linux. If I would need to use Adobe for my job, or just like it, it would keep me from switching to Linux as well. To be honest, if all programs would run in Linux as well without tinkering, the market share would go up to 10% immideately almost guaranteed.

      The thing is, Linux and most open source and free software feels like it’s not quite there yet. A lot of things are a little unpolished and weirdly complicated. I am happy to pay for good software, as I did in the past. I don’t need to have everything open source. Yeah, there are alternatives for almost everything but comparing them side by side shows what the free tools often lack, like freecad vs Fusion or solidworks. Or gimp Vs Photoshop. It’s not the same. You can get it working if you want it to, but most people are lazy and want stuff to be working like they are used to. Or just require it to work fast without workarounds. I could not find a good alternative for Ableton, and all my project files are from Ableton. So I sometimes hesitate if I want to boot into Linux or windows, because everything I need just works in windows and is already there