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The original was posted on /r/nordictrackandroid by /u/xkelly999 on 2023-05-30 20:04:39+00:00.

UPDATE: Treadmill is an x22i and, after more testing, none of the treadmill functions work. More troubleshooting details in comments.

More than anything else, my wife uses the ifit google maps create route feature. She’ll make a route somewhere around the globe, then run it, seeing the street view pics, elevation and stats on the screen as she runs. That said:

I ran through the unchained process this weekend so we can watch streaming videos while running (more for me) and found that in the ifit standalone app, the Google Maps create route functions fails with a lock icon and message “unavailable on this machine” when trying to save the route.

I’m assuming the issue is because this is the standalone ifit rather than a bespoke version specific to our x22i. I noticed when installing the standalone app that it asked for permissions to a generic HID. Maybe there’s a x22i-specific HID that can be injected somewhere (if there’s such a thing)?

Regardless… any help on sorting through this would be appreciated, as I have been informed this functionality is considered a (much) higher priority than Netflix streaming. So if it can’t be sorted, there will be yet another reset is in my future. :-/ Thx.

Update: minor grammar edits