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The original was posted on /r/nordictrackandroid by /u/PaulDayLong on 2023-06-04 17:49:09+00:00.

I have a “newer” 2450 Commercial treadmill. The one with the larger, 22" screen. From the factory, it is running Android 11.

When I initially attempted to get various apps running on this device, I sort of ham-fistedly ran through some of the commands in the unchained script. I never actually ran the script itself. I had a very uneven experience with the iFit app itself including:

  1. Being unable to login.
  2. Content not loading at all.
  3. No treadmill-specific content seeming to be available.
  4. Repeated prompts to allow permissions to a USB Device (later versions of iFit ask for permission to Generic HID).
  5. Later versions of iFit not allowing any Treadmill control, regardless of permissions being granted.

Following another helpful discussion here with /u/xkelly999 and /u/brentl99 (I didn’t get the “99” in your username memo, sorry), I decided to factory reset and try to be a little more methodical about testing what does and doesn’t work for my specific treadmill.

A factory reset left me with the following apks:

  • com.ifit.eru-
  • com.ifit.launcher-
  • com.ifit.standalone-
  • MemfaultBort.apk (probably a red herring, but it came up in the list as com.ifit.bort, so I pulled it just in case).

These versions required me to use the generator, it is not pinless, even after a factory reset. I then disabled the admin app’s ability to change system settings.

I blocked updates at a DNS level, as well as via the iFit Secret Menu. Interestingly, I noticed that going to Settings -> Maintenance in iFit showed an update available, despite the DNS blocks. Clicking this “Update Available” link pushed me into iFit Admin, where I was presented with a progress bar and an “Updating” screen. That progress bar never moved (likely due to the DNS block). Further, in iFit Amin - Secret Options -> Preview Updates, It showed me the pending updates to both iFit (com.ifit.standalone), and iFit Admin (com.ifit.eru).

At this point, with access to Priveleged Mode, I went ahead and enabled Developer Options, USB Debugging, and connected the treadmill to Wifi. I pulled the “stock” APKs via ADB, and created the .wolfDev directory. I then set about to update the iFit apps to see if I’d lose access or anything.

After unblocking DNS and updating, I have the following APKs (changed):

  • com.ifit.eru-
  • com.ifit.standalone-

Without rebooting, I can still toggle Privileged Mode via the standard 10-7-10 tap sequence. The iFit app connects to their web interface. I see treadmill related exercises (to be clear I do not have an iFit subscription), and the treadmill itself works WITHOUT any sort of permissions prompting.

Following a reboot, I had the same permissions. Privileged Mode was still enabled. I could swipe up and get myself to the Android desktop. Treadmill worked without USB/Generic HID prompts.

I’ll stop here, for now. I haven’t installed nova/alternative launcher. I haven’t installed any other streaming apps. Reading through the unchained script, I’m assuming the only commands that could have ultimately caused my previous problems lie in first three commands:

echo Disabling iFit system apps
adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 com.ifit.eru
echo One of three disabled
adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 com.ifit.launcher
echo Two of three disabled
adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 com.ifit.standalone

I’m not sure what differences are created when you disable the “native” com.ifit.standalone, and then install (what you would think is) the same apk linked from the wiki, via ADB or whatever other method. I would think there is no difference, but for some reason, in my case, there appeared to be.

I hope this helps somebody else in the future, but if nothing else, I’ve at least got my own sequence sort of worked out here. /u/brentl99 I want to thank you, again, for all your efforts here. It’s a lot of work to keep this information updated. Even typing this single post was a hassle.