For the love of God, please delete my fucking account. It’s been over a month. Please.
I just want to not have it be here anymore, I want to stop having my votes public and just make a new account on another site that has more privacy and better features (like automatic account deletion).
Do I need to log out first? What’s taking so long? Why does it even go into a manual queue?
Please just delete my account.
@Damaskox I don’t want my votes to be public. I wasn’t aware that this was the case until recently, but the concept makes me uncomfortable and this limitation wasn’t obvious when I signed up (July 2023, just after the Reddit API changes).
Regardless of whether you believe that’s a valid reason, I feel like I should be able to delete an online account easily and promptly if that’s what I choose to do, no matter my motivation for doing so.
@SLaSZT Hmm. Peculiar!
I quite agree on that!
There was one service I couldn’t get rid of my info cos they required ridiculous amounts of work to do before they would have done so! It was frustrating…I gave up, they won.