• deweydecibel@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    The problem is not the technology, the problem is the businesses and the people behind them.

    These tools were made with the explicit purpose of taking the content that they did not create, repurposing them, and creating a product. Throw all these conversation about intelligence and learning out the fucking window, what matters is what the thing does, and why it was created to do that thing.

    Until we reach a point where there is some sort of AI out there that has any semblance of free will, and can choose not to learn if fed certain information, and choose not to respond to input given to it without being programmed to do not respond, then we are not talking about intelligence, we are talking about a tool. No matter how they dress it up.

    Stop arguing about this on their terms, because they’re gaslighting the fuck out of you.