We may have never met, but we have one thing in common. We may be on different continents, but we’re together in this: We’re not drinking today.
If you want to join us and not drink today you’re welcome!
If you have already drunk today, please come back tomorrow, and good luck!
Feel free to share how your day is going, if you have any struggles, when things are going well, thoughts about things you want to change, etc.
Coming to the end of week 1. All day 1s feel the same: never drinking again, need to stop etc. Day 7 I really notice a difference, although my mind is saying “yep we can do it this time” quite often the little voice isn’t as invested. This time I feel fully invested in this so I have hope. IWNDWYT
Glad to hear about this. Do you have good things to fill the time you usually spent drinking/drunk? When I sobered up that was something I struggled with for a while, to find hobbies etc.
Yep I think I’ve been here so often now, filling the time isn’t an issue. I’ve got at least two long term projects (IT related) and all kinds of little things so I’m never bored. My issue seems to just be a switch goes saying let’s have beer. It’s not even a craving because it’s not a period of time, not even a few seconds, it’s instantaneous. If I feel invested, that doesn’t happen though.
I need this community
❤ Everything ok?
Not really, but I’ve imbibed today, and I thought I read posting while was against policy
Stay strong, we believe in you
Generally speaking, a lack of clarity isn’t helpful while talking about things, and some people even behave badly when they drink as we all know. So yeah, better to come back when you’re sober. Hope to see you again soon!