I have been looking to get a upscaler for my retro consoles and also to allow me to stream these analog consoles.
Currently I am leaning towards the Open Source Scan Converter 1.8 but I know there are other options too like the RetroTink.
Does anyone have any experience, recommendations etc with these?
PS1, PS2 and maybe Wii not sure if they benefit from it.
Looking at the RetroTink 5x it seems to be double the price of the OSSC.
You could try and force 480p via GSM otherwise, if your PS2 is nodded, but I’ve had pretty poor luck with that method so I wouldn’t recommend it.
You’re kinda in the perfect “target demographic” for the 5X with a PS2 in a way, but it’s a matter of how much flickering bothers you or not, and whether or not the higher output res, more features, etc, is worth the price or not.
Again, both options are absolutely great and you wouldn’t go wrong with either!
Thank you for your advice and everyone else. I have opted to get the RetroTink 5x!