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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/fffggghhh on 2024-02-24 02:57:04.

I exclusively use FOSS on my phone (to the best of my ability; I’m sure there are still binary blobs) and to that end I would like to donate to the various projects I use so that they keep going.

First I was wondering if you guys wouldn’t mind sharing the list of apps you’re donating to this year.

Second I can’t find the donation links to apps like LocalSend, Geometric Weather, and Heliboard, if someone has them, please share them.

Anyway, this year I’m donating to:

  1. Fdroid
  2. Lineage OS
  3. Signal
  4. Fossify
  5. NoNonsense Notes
  6. Revanced
  7. NewPipe
  8. QKSMS
  9. LinkSheet