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The original was posted on /r/microsoft by /u/pretzelqueen33 on 2024-02-29 17:37:26.

This is a shot in the dark but here goes… My Company’s in-house IT person (let’s call him Bob) has basically gone MIA and we have not been able track him down for months now (he’s alive, just ghosted us). For some reason, when our Microsoft 365 / Outlook email system (please forgive me if I’m not using the correct IT terminology) was set up, Bob made himself the primary Admin, and the only person within the company who has access to everyone’s emails, settings, etc.; Essentially, he is the only one who has the Microsoft admin password.

Bottom line, we need that password. I thought it would be as simple as calling Microsoft and explaining the situation, since we are paying for the Microsoft subscription on our company card… however when I called the customer service number, it will not connect me to a live representative unless I am calling from Bob’s phone number.

Any suggestions on how we can retrieve and reset this password without having to send out a search party for Bob, who clearly does NOT want to be found?