This was the first time shooting with a star tracker. In hindsight the exposure time should’ve been much longer. Also the focus wasn‘t perfect but cheating with BlurXTerminator revealed a surprising amount of detail. Overall a nice learning experience.
- Fuji X-T 5
- Samyang 135mm f2.0
- Star Adventurer 2i
- 1035 x 10s
- ISO 3200
- @ f2.8
More information and full resolution on Telescopius:
No not really, but I choose it because I didn’t know what the precision of the tracker was as I never used one before. But as I know now with only 135mm focal length I can use well above one minute.
Using a longer exposure time is normally preferred because you don’t get so much images to process. But as always there are exceptions (lucky imaging, comet shooting, more precise work needed -> polar alignment)