• Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago

    Comparing a fascist wannabe dictator who incited an insurrection, used nepotism to put his family in high positions in one of the most powerful governments in the world, traded government and military secrets with foreign nations for money, defrauded practically everyone that’s ever worked with him, and so so so much more, who turned a whole party into a bunch of near Nazi level christo-fascist fanatics with Joe fucking Biden is rich.

    I’m done with you.

    • None of these are foregin policy issues and none of these affect people outside the US directly. Which is why it is hard for us to see one candidate as better or worse than the other. It will always end up being the same shit for us anyways.

      But maybe ask yourself this: Why did the system produce these two candidates again? Why is this the “best” the US can offer? What did the average Democrat voter do, to get a better candidate than Joe Biden from the Dems? Probably nothing. And why? Not being interested enough? Or feeling powerless anyways, because it is rigged with superpacs and billionaire donors anyways? Or because you have to work a second job, because you need to feed your children and yourself?

      I can only point out to you again, that the political and economical system that produced Trump is the same system that produced Biden and everyone who is invested in that system will try to make sure that you keep staying inside the box they want you to stay in.