Unfortunately for now it’s just phrase banning (with regex pattern-matching supported) and user ID banning - i.e. no ability to “login” and delete stuff, like you can do with the comments plugin. Hopefully this will suffice until I get around to making it easier (I want to make moderation easier on comments plugin at some point too - e.g. 1-click bans alongside existing 1-click delete).
- https://perchance.org/text-to-image-gallery-moderation-example
- https://perchance.org/text-to-image-plugin
There may be bugs! Please let me know if you find one in the comments below. I haven’t thoroughly tested it, so I’m relying on y’all :)
Edit: Also, a reminder that when I’m short on time (like lately) I’m most likely to fix things that people complain about often. Thanks to Allo and others for posting and complaining about this. Feel free to complain repeatedly and tag me often. It helps me prioritize.
@[email protected]
Any chance for the gallery to only show the image that we clicked ‘show image’ on, instead of showing all of the images. I would like to not get flashed by a lot of NSFW images at once 🤣🤣🤣. Probably place the show all NSFW images as a command on the gallery settings?