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The original was posted on /r/nostupidquestions by /u/Firm_Context_3654 on 2023-08-15 16:33:26+00:00.

To preface, my girlfriend is a very good looking girl and gets hit on a lot. I’d say I’m a decent looking man, hit the gym, muscular. The other day, we were at the gym together and there was some aggressive looking middle age man who was doing all kings of strange exercises like inverted upside down pull ups on the dip bar. When I wasn’t with my girlfriend, the dude (let’s call him David) comes up to my girlfriend and tells her “did your man win the lottery?” My girlfriend responded to David “my boyfriend doesn’t play the lottery?” David then asks again “did your man win the lottery?” and then leaves. My girlfriend confused calls me (we were both at the gym at different parts) and tells me that this guy asked her if I won the lottery. Given that this guy had an aggressive and unpleasant demeanor, I expected that this was his way of saying your boyfriend has money or why are you with him?

My question is, how would you have interpreted this situation, and what should one do as a man in a situation like this? Would you confront the guy, or deduce that the guy is mentally unstable since he feels the need to say something like that?

Edit: Just wanted to include that I am not rich or come from a rich family, my girlfriend and I are both in school studying for anyone wondering if I am indeed wealthy.

Edit 2: David is a white middle aged man who appears quite physically fit, grunts during half of his exercises, wears a backwards hat, and wears skin tight clothing

Edit 3: me and my girlfriend are white for people saying I’m racist 😂