Does the #Philippines really need to allow foreign schools to open branches in the country or own existing institutions? A lot of foreigners are coming here for better education. They wouldn’t if our #education is as bad as supporters of the move paints it to be.

The way I see it, the problem is the half-baked #K12 education. It was only the first step. The next step is overhauling the entire curriculum, but they never did that.

@pilipinas @philippines


  • If they do want foreign ownership/branches here, then we should invite the Korean institutions. Why? Even Western universities are coming to Korea to learn from their educational system.

    It would be foolish to invite Western institutions who themselves are learning from the Korean #education system. We should go directly to the source if we’re going to invite foreign schools.

    #Philippines @pilipinas @philippines

    • But, that itself is ironic. Koreans are coming to the #Philippines to study, and get away from the very toxic Korean education system. So, in the end, why invite foreign institutions to open a branch in the country, or to own existing ones?

      What we should do, like what the West is doing, is go to Korea to observe, participate, and learn from them. Bring that home ourselves, adapt it to our existing #education system and #culture.

      @pilipinas @philippines