#France / Potential Prosecution of Franco-Israeli Soldiers for Crimes in Gaza War

The French Foreign Ministry announced on March 21 that legal proceedings could be initiated against Franco-Israeli soldiers who committed crimes in the Gaza Strip. Several viral videos on social media show binational citizens carrying out acts that may constitute war crimes.

Aymeric Caron, Deputy of the French National Assembly:

[…] “The French people who are participating in the Israeli military campaign in Gaza for the past five months and who are committing well-documented war crimes will have to be prosecuted upon their return to France.”

#humanite [French] https://www.humanite.fr/monde/armee-israelienne/guerre-a-gaza-des-soldats-franco-israeliens-ayant-commis-des-crimes-bientot-juges

See also:

South Africa to Arrest Israeli Soldiers Holding Dual Citizenship, Foreign Minister Says https://kolektiva.social/@oatmeal/112088300513749906

#Israel #WarCrimes #Gaza