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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/TraditionalDistrict9 on 2024-03-26 14:53:39.


For some time I have been observing companies orbiting around opensource projects like or And I was wondering how do they even exists and are able to hire employees while at the same time being opensource focused company.

It is one thing getting some donations and keep servers running, and different thing being able to pay your employees on regular basis and keeping entire team focused on project.

I know there are sponsorship donations, and that sometimes bigger corporations can sponsor even much more significant sums for continuous support, but I wonder if there are other ways/case studies? Like fundraising from other sources, companies focused on fundraising for opensource, etc?

Also I wonder how big your project have to be to start bringing any self-sustaining funds? If you have smaller project (let’s say few stars) what routes you should take to give it enough momentum to be funded?

I wonder if you have any stories, opinions or case studies. :)