This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/Creapermann on 2024-03-30 01:22:23.

Librum is a Modern, Opensource and Cross-platform e-reading platform to store, manage and read e-books on any device: .

We have just released version 0.12.2 () that adds a lot of new changes, including new features, bug fixes and great improvements.

To realize our mission of making Librum a platform for all of your e-book needs, we have added Tools to the application. We will be adding to a lot of tools in the coming releases, but for now you can:

  • Merge multiple Books together

  • Extract pages from your Book

  • Convert Images to PDFs

We have introduced a bunch of other great improvements and fixed a lot of bugs to ensure a great experience! To read about all of our changes check out or blog ()!

If you would like to support the development of Librum, please visit or consider becoming a Github Sponsor ❤️