Had to take a physical for a job I was accepted for, I haven’t been to a doc in a while cuz my last employer had shitty healthcare and made it a fucking pain to take time off. Anyway, they hooked me up to an EKG machine and told me it looks like one side of my heart is enlarged. Also my blood pressure is pretty high. This apparently disqualifies me for the job, thought the manager claimed if I could badger another doctor into writing me a note I could still get it. Thing is I don’t have insurance right now, ironically the health insurance was the primary reason I wanted this job.

Thankfully my family is relatively well off and said they’ll support me in this shit. Still a little freak out though. FYI I’m a rather big, muscular dude who’s worked a lot of manual labor jobs. During COVID lockdown I put on a lot of weight, the main culprit there was drinking. Since then I’ve managed to get some of that weight off, and cut back on the drinking, but I guess not enough. Also while my diet isn’t terrible, I do love me salt and fat. Plus both my dad and grandpa have a history of hypertension, so even if I was fit as a horse I’d still be at risk.

I’m gonna go teetotaler for a bit, maybe forever, quit weight lifting for a bit and eat nothing but kale for now, but I do need to get on some insurance and see a doctor about this.