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The original was posted on /r/luxembourg by /u/odessa_cabbage on 2023-08-18 00:26:49+00:00.

Hi all,

I was parked at friends place, arrived at around 23.15 and stayed at her place until around 00.20. I came outside to leave, and found the place where my car had stood an hour prior completely empty. No police notes, no signage, not a single trace that it was ever there. Assuming it stolen, we called the police non-emergency line, who redirected us to 113, who then (very rudely) redirected us to another number. At this point I find out that the car has been towed to 1 rue Marie curie (similar address to the police station in bonnevoie). Asking for any further information all lead to “I dunno, go there and find out”. My friend then explained that the neighbor, in front of whose house I was parked, has a history of screaming at courier drivers for waiting in front of his house, as well as other anti-social behavior regarding his spot.

I assume the car is now in some impound at one of the four addresses listed under “rue Marie curie”. My plan is to go to all of them and find my car tomorrow. This all however extremely bizarre/fishy to me (car was not illegally parked, they were able to get a tow truck out, steal my car and get out of there cleanly all within the span of an hour). This is my first time having to deal with this kind of situation, so if anyone has any experience with this I’d greatly appreciate some help.