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The original was posted on /r/austria by /u/Jaypadroso on 2023-08-18 08:25:03+00:00.

Morning! I started living in Innsbruck last year, yesterday I received my first annual IKB invoice. I have some questions, if any of you can help me, I would really appreciate it.

When I first moved here, I paid 120 euros monthly (this was what the people before me paid for eletricity). A few months later, IKB informed me that this amount had been reduced to 90 euros, since my expenses were lower. At the end of July I was advised to make a new contract and the price changed to €84.

From what I understand from the invoice, we have €430.86 to pay and a consumption of 3,325 kWh. Is this value common? Or is there a way to lower the 38.6416 ct/kWh?

Now I’ll pay an amount of € 83 per month. I am afraid that next year there will be an even bigger bill to pay.

This expense is for a house with two people. Me and my girlfriend had never lived alone, this is all new for us.