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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/Bulky_Photograph_299 on 2023-08-16 19:39:09+00:00.

I have spring boot project with mysql db. the database have about 10 columns( all string, nothing heavy) and I don’t expect to have that many users at least for first 4-5 months. So, I was looking for any mysql host that has a decent free tier. I was looking into Heroku, seems like the cheapest they have is $10/mon. no free trier.

just for context, the project involves a user uploading up to 4 pictures and some text inputs. Then, simply display them on the frontend. I am thinking of storing the actual image in a file system and the image path in the database. So, the db should be fairly light.

Any mysql host you suggest giving a shot and and any file system(was looking into amazon s3 but it seems an overkill for my case)