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The original was posted on /r/ultrawidemasterrace by /u/ChronicChibb on 2023-08-18 16:27:45+00:00.

Hey, everyone. Thanks for reading. Currently, the G9 Neo 49inch is on sale directly through Samsung, presumably due to the release of the new monitors. With my wife’s educational pricing, I can snag this monitor for $1,174 plus tax; seems like an amazing deal.

My use cases are:

  • Work (Software Engineer using a M1 Ultra MacBook)
  • UE5 Game Development on Windows
  • Gaming with the following specs: EVGA 2080 Super I9-9900k 32gb 3600 ram 2.5tb ssd storage

I primarily play Baldurs Gate 3, Flight simulator, racing sims, and an assortment of AAA titles.

I know the 2080 super is lagging a bit behind when it comes to using the full resolution of this monitor, but I am ok turning down some graphical settings to achieve 60+ FPS.

So, 2 questions.

  1. Based on my use-cases, does this sound like a good deal?
  2. Knowing I have a 9900k and a 2080 super, will the G9 Neo be worth having knowing I’ll probably upgrade my graphics card within the next 12 months? In addition, will the 9900k bottleneck 40 series cards or potentially 50 series cards?

Thanks everyone! Appreciate your time.