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The original was posted on /r/ultrawidemasterrace by /u/fakenzz on 2023-08-18 10:14:22+00:00.
Im battling eye strain with my new Alienware AW3423DWF and im afraid i found a culprit.
Rtings review says that “monitor isnt technically flicker free, but its on-and-off flicker and you wont notice it” and they gave it 10 rate in that matter.
I recorded my DWF (default settings, 50% brightness SDR) in slowmo next to mine old IPS truly flicker free:
Alienware AW3423DWF flickering slowmo 120 fps - YouTube
Brightness doesnt matter, its doing the same thing on 100% SDR.
My eyes tell me that is far from not noticing it :( Can you please help me checking if its just my unit or maybe an OLED thing and my eyes are too sensitive.
If you have slowmo recording in your phone can you check if its doing the same thing in your unit? It has to be slowmo, normal video recording in my iPhone doesnt catch that flickering.