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The original was posted on /r/ultrawidemasterrace by /u/fitret on 2023-08-18 04:34:35+00:00.

I’ve been debating ultrawide for years and I’m finally ready to pull the trigger. I think 32:9 is way too wide for me so I’m looking at 21:9 (I so wish there was a 25:9!). I currently have a 2560x1440 main (and a second at the same resolution in portrait mode), and I’m thinking about picking up the 34" Alienware OLED… I’m wondering if there’s a good reason to consider something else or to wait. I’d love to get a wider monitor, and the 38" might be an ok compromise (I’d prefer it’s not much taller, in reality), but I think I’d want more than 1440p vertically and there’s nothing on the market for that today.

Semi-related, I have an RTX2070. Will that be able to drive it ok?