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The original was posted on /r/ultrawidemasterrace by /u/Nuuleh on 2023-08-18 11:13:07+00:00.

Now obviously this monitor has not been in use for the ENTIRE 11000+ hours, however it is used as a daily driver for both WFH as a secondary screen and mainly for gaming.

HDR is only ever on when either playing games or watching HDR content, this is always in HDR1000 mode. When in SDR for desktop and work use brightness is set to 20-50% depending on how bright my room is that day (I have a bay window so I get a ton of light in the day)

After all this time I have avoided any (Obvious) burn in, Ive ran the pixel and panel refreshes like clock work for its entire life time. My desktop wallpaper is a pure black background with a DVD logo bouncing around so nothing is ever left static for too long, the monitor is also set to sleep after 5 mins.

Any question please feel free to ask.