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The original was posted on /r/lifehacks by /u/AngelBritney94 on 2023-08-17 05:06:37+00:00.

The last days the humidity has been around 58-62% in my home. Plus temperatures around 27-30 degrees in every room as well. The humidity outside currently is around 60%, at night even up to 95%, according to my weather app.

Recently I started a new job and so far I like the job and want to keep it. According to my smart watch I slept around 5 hours overall the last 2 nights. I can’t focus on basic things that are not that hard.

I’m on my way to work now and I am very tired and exhausted.

I have a mobile AC at home and even if I used it for 30 minutes, the temperature and humidity goes up again after I turned it off.

Windows are shielded with aluminum foil.

I can’t air my rooms well due to neighbors who smoke throughout the day (from every direction) so I have to be in the room where I currently air. Also, there is a burning smell when the afternoon starts and it lasts until midnight, most of the time this happens at weekends.

I live under a roof (attic).

Looking for good tips for the next 1-2 weeks (not sure how long this condition will last).