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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/arsoninaforest on 2024-04-05 19:10:44.

so guys this is a small vent and i need some advice because i really dont know what to do.

i am a 18 year old transsexual woman from austria. i’ve experienced sex dysphoria since i was a little child, came out at 15 but had to wait two years for hrt since the waiting lists are endless. i paid for my own theraphists that arent covered by insurance to shorten the wait times. i’ve basically felt crippling dysphoria my entire life.

there’s a person in my friendgroup, we are not really friends but my best friend is pretty close with him, so i have to see him from time to time.

we’ll call him F. F is nineteen, a tucute, has absolutely no dysphoria and says he is transgender. quote: “i want to be a woman with big tits and a huge cock”. he is into women, says he is a lesbian, but also somehow identifies as nonbinary at the same time. he is 6’0, has a beard, green hair and doesnt even tuck. and he walks into womens restrooms like that.

he called me out several times for misgendering and deadnaming him, asked me for sex multiple times, constantly tries to talk me out of bottom surgery,- quote: “embrace your girldick” like man, no. i have dysphoria, i am actually trans, i am not even able to date because of this dysphoria.

so long story short: he got his estrogen prescribtion (?) today, after three years of theraphy and hopping around several theraphists because nobody wanted to write him a diagnosis for transsexuality. one time he asked me what he has to say, in order to get a diagnosis. i didnt tell him of course. who tf lies to doctors wtf

i’m really fed up from all of this, F makes me extremely mad and spamtexted me because he got his estrogen, basically telling me stuff like “see, you dont need dysphoria to be trans, i am the same as you” all the time.

i dont know what to do. i wanna break contact with him but i am afraid that i’ll lose contact with my best friend as well so i have really mixed feelings, because she is literally the best friend i have ever had in my life, and we’ve been friends for ages.

sorry for this long rant but i had to get this out somewhere.