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The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/fx2mx3 on 2024-04-07 14:24:15.

Hey folks, here is a video I did (at least to the best of my abilities) to create an Ollama AI Remote server running on docker in a VM. The tutorial covers:

  • Creating the VM in ESXI
  • Installing Debian and all the necessary dependencies such as linux headers, nvidia drivers and CUDA container toolkit
  • Installing Ollama AI and the best models (at least in IMHO)
  • Creating a Ollama Web UI that looks like chat gpt
  • Integrating it with VSCode across several client machines (like copilot)
  • Bonus section - Two AI extensions you can use for free

There is chapters with the timestamps in the description, so feel free to skip to the section you want!

Ohh the first part of the video is also useful for people that want to use NVIDIA drivers inside docker containers for transcoding.

Hope you like it and as always feel free to leave some feedback so that I can improve over time! This youtube thing is new to me haha! :)